Cyberpunk 2077 V2 DLC Phantom Liberty

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Hertzian56, Sep 25, 2023.

  1. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I'm looking forward to the first and only story DLC for Cyberpunk 2077, Phantom Liberty. I played the hell out of the base game on version 1.60 with tons of mods but mostly cars, clothes, guns type of stuff. Also a major one is LUTs to remove the green fog filter the base game has. Various QOL fixes, removing all HUD clutter and some stuff like Fixers Hidden Gems which was in the base game but was not highlighted so in fact most people would have never found more than a few obvious ones. That mod has a prompt that points you to the next one and text dialogue for it etc Replaced as many ads as possible with much better things to look at so much. Car handling fixes etc

    I plan on keeping my v1.60 modded version somewhere else so I can go back to it if I want to, it's about 70gb with all those mods really taking minimal space, 2 gb or so my guess. I also have saves backups to match that version. I'm expecting the 2/dlc version to be base about 100gb installed english only.

    I'm pretty sure that all mods will have to have new framework versions for the 2/dlc version of the game since they seemed to make major changes. For anyone that doesn't know the frameworks for most of the mods are Cyberengine Tweaks, ArchiveXL, tweakxl, redscript, input loader, material override. Even just the clothes will likely need updating since in 2.0 they removed mod slots from the clothes, a shame really. To do such sweeping changes 3 years later to a game under the same name is really cheap imo, so everyone who played this and had a character/s will now have to give up mod slots, perks and whatever else they decided to mess up change.

    Great thanks again CPDR oh and thanks for the 30$ DLC, great way to make up your incompetence, greed and arrogance! And nah those who work for them are also responsible, just because you get paid and run game as a good guy doesn't mean you don't share in some part of the scam this game was, especially before launch. You make sailing the high seas so much better and smoother!
    Hertzian56, Sep 25, 2023
  2. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Here's a video with some of the mechanical aspects of v2.0 Vs. NOT SURE which version this is compared to. Remember we had 1-1.63 versions over 3 years. I played it on 106 to a few endings with no major game breaking bugs, then put it away for 2 years or so then grabbed 1.60 and modded and played the hell out of it, putting it down about 4 months ago.
    Hertzian56, Sep 25, 2023
  3. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    From my understanding of the v2 update it gets rid of clothes mod slots and some weapons stuff and redoes the perks system or upgrade system which seems pretty extreme you ask me. CPDR obviously cares little for the gaming community so this is in line with it's past behavior though, total douches. People who have played a lot had whole clothes mods and slots filled and the upgrades all done, so now we get to have all that gone. Sounds like CPDR wanted to nuke a bunch of mods that they don't like or indirectly control through their Redmod system.

    Redmod is cpdr's modding framework that didn't come out until years later and modders had done the work of making frameworks for the game themselves so therefore the vast majority of mods don't use Redmod. I think Redmod came out somewhere near 1.60 which is early 22 or so. The benefit of it is primarily updating versions of the game it goes through and supposedly will do that automatically with the mods. I doubt it actually does that too well though given CPDRs bug ridden games and general incompetence, never used it and I was modding like crazy up until about 4 months ago.

    It's amazing watching the above video and being reminded of just how unfinished this game was and still is when you think about the GTA games going back to San Andreas which was I think released in 2004. CPDR has only ever really been a studio that buys existing IPs and makes a game out of them, it's never been good at coding or world building itself. I think this is a jewish studio that masquerades as polish and it's games have always been heavily occult based and kabbalistic pointing to the pagan talmudick-kabbalist jewtranny satanic cult. Just look at the two major games it's produced for easy confirmation there. Make no mistake they all are though, just different forms of it. Really just tiny studios could possibly NOT be from their cult.
    Hertzian56, Sep 25, 2023
  4. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    From my understanding the DLC dogtown area is the gated off area just inland from Pacifica which had some basic stuff you could fly into and see a bit then it just kind of was buried in the sand going out to the desert. This is all the 1.60 version btw. It's a new district which somehow was separate from the base game, not there, which makes little sense really. They would have been better off having it underground, in space, underwater bioshock thing etc for plausibility.

    It just smacks of the child like simple-mindedness of CPDR really and of course deeper level the contempt for gamers they have as goy to be given their Word which is reality in their effed up satanic cult. This is shown in the very satanic Noahide Laws and such they plan on trying to enforce at some point. There are soft forms all over the world but mainly in JUK-JEUrope and parts of JUSA. By Deception the Jewmasontrannys will rule and do rule. This game features androgyny and transhumanism, and if you think about the hardware is very gross. The mantis etc arms require you having your hands/arms cutoff, all the replacers for organs and such etc

    So some form of Escape from New York sort of thing from what I've seen, mmkay why not have a Kurt Russel Snake Plissken in there just buy the rights to another IP, the CPDR Way lol. They obviously changed tweaked it enough to NOT have to pay licensing to that movie series I guess. Similar to Metal Gear Solid basically ripped off Snake Plissken as the main character even down to the eye patch, tweaked it enough not to infringe I guess.

    I don't care too much about spoilers since I like hands on gameplay anyways, story stuff in games is fine but I don't go there for great stories or expect them in the videogame genre. Marios story is simple but the game is fun going back to the beginning ones. So I'll likely do some internet research and video watching while the game is dling.

    Unfortunately with all the changes from my 1.60 version I'll probably have to just load up a late game save and have no mods installed then work back from there later as to what is worth it to grab all the framework updates and possibly mod updates. I did so many mods and they changed so much that I don't think it would be worth it to just dragndrop my mods into the new version. Probably crash anyways. The only one I'll try would be the LUT that removes the green filter from the game which is likely still there in v2. It's VERY noticeable if you go back and forth which I've done. Similar to Starfield which I also have a LUT mod for.

    And see what all the changes really add up to VS. my modded v1.60. May not be that much better than 1.6 just the added district. So play the DLC only then go back to 1.60, a great benefit of having a version not tied to logging into servers. I think the GOG version also is this way, totally offline if you want it that way.
    Hertzian56, Sep 25, 2023
  5. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Another video about v2 changes, more curated mainstream one.
    Hertzian56, Sep 25, 2023
  6. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Fired up cp77 after almost 6 months off, I freaking maxxed it out, mods, multiple playthroughs to hanako, etc and man it's stuttery. I also got a crash, likely due to a mod but could be the 537 drivers I had to get for SF who knows. Have not added a mod since 4/23, the now deleted Kato mod which introduced a random assassin coming for you. I went ahead and disabled this one to see if it was the cause will boot up again later on. I got a few of these assassins coming at me but they were leveled out way high, could barely dent them, not too fun.

    I get much more stable FPS with Starfield but of course I'm playing CP77 probably a bit above my weight afa settings, I get 40-55 most of the time no RT, dlss quality or perf I think. I'm a mix of med-high in cp77. I have mods that change the weather to mostly rainy which I like for this game, the noir aspects and reflections even at med-hi 1080p are great. With SF I'm mostly med with a few low settings.

    CP77 kinda like FO4/skyrim, played it sooo much that it's not too appealing to me really. I wish they just did the DLC instead of all the changes they did for V2.

    I'm going to load in an earlier save but along enough to start the DLC and just do that. Straight story of the DLC is said to be about 20hrs so I'd likely get 30 or more out of it w my casual playstyle focused on exploration. Likely not too big an area to explore though but more side stuff would add time to it. I kinda wish this was handled like TW3 Blood and Wine where you head to a smaller settlement but I guess it doesn't really work for the Night City world. Maybe an island past the breakers who knows. Underwater in the bay like I said or offshore. I don't think they wanted to add too much more area to the game to keep it smaller. The area where Dogtown is is rough sketched in in the base game, where the skyscraper casinos are in pacifica.

    CPDR prob wanted to just be done with cp77 really, they made their money but it was a huge blow to their reputation so high after TW3+DLCs. 1 DLC after 3 years is pretty pitiful and who knows the bugs that v2 and the dlc are going to introduce. In comparison to TW3 the fist DLC was really just opening up more of the base map which was fine, then the really good one Blood and Wine was a new region which was fantastic. This DLC is another form of the first TW3 DLC, just adding onto opening up the base map likely won't be mind blowing. But I hope after 3 years it should have a lot of new content for the base game as well.

    I think CPDR needed to look at the top mods at nexus, it's already confirmed they stole the thermal katana mod which I've had installed for a long time. They also stole always first equip mod, who knows what else. They could have done TPP third person perspective pretty easy, they have all the animations already with all the npcs and that is a popular one on nexus, too buggy for me though. Besides the enhanced romances, which I have all of them and done all of them, they could have done a modular character looks preset, I have that mod as well. Flying cars mod is pretty popular as well, never bothered with it, I have a fling trainer for unlimited double jump if I want to see the world from above, or there's a fly mod or cet command I think.

    I also have the edgerunners mansion unlocked which is by far the coolest safehouse, it's only attainable in the vanilla game w the right choices at end or something. Vehicle Combat mod was stolen as well, that also includes police chases, never used it though.

    So there is likely going to be a cp2020 and a cp2023 for many of us who have the ability to not update. I think GOG is offline type of thing and you can do it w steam but it's not too easy to find afaik. I'll just have the game v160 install parked on an external disc and install the V2 on my internal NVME. Probably like the older version better because of all the mods I had, QOL mods most, kind of a pain going back to having to solve the stupid hacking puzzles and such, might add in mods slowly but nowhere near as much idk depends on how much better v2 is. I'm not a GTA style rampage player in this game so the police stuff likely won't do much for me. I like the random gangs fighting each other part of V2, gives more life to the world.

    I still think they should have had a gang component to this game, similar to FO4/SF factions. Join one of them, some side content related to the gang. I guess you join the Aldecaldos though but its' not the same really, V stays as a loner mostly w a few romancable characters w their own story arcs so it's just done on a more isolated individual way.
    Hertzian56, Sep 26, 2023
  7. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Just dling it and it looks like the english only steam version is about 77gb installed, not a surprise. The english only 160 version is about 68gb installed. They likely compressed and optimized it, eliminated redundant instances of objects and textures throughout the game meaning say same size and image texture but one has the name tex2, another tex5 and so each of those textures added size to the game, so they eliminated one instance and just used one of them, cuts the size way down when added up, for the exact same texture, etc. Once repackers get done it will probably be about 60gb or less dl and then install will take some time. I think v160 from about 35gb repack took close to 3hrs on my laptop i5 to a final 68gb size, usually FGs version back then and hers usually take longer than the other major repackers but are also smaller repack size. So you can cut the dl time down to half, instead of like 20hrs dl it's one long night.

    Like I said I'll just use the 160 I was using, I backed up all of my saves so I can go back and play 160 with all my mods still there if I want to. It would likely wreak havoc to load a v2 save into a v160 game, so many changes seen and unseen there. I'll likely fire it up and just try to head right into the DLC as I've played the hell out of the base game kinda done there.
    Hertzian56, Sep 26, 2023
  8. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    The dlc is getting failry good reviews but always remember those are all in the industry and WANT sales and are dependent on ad buys by ngreedia, amd, big studios etc so they are really just a form of advertising for games more than anything. From what I see it's just more of the same just a little mini story which kind of flys in the face of the punk ethos of anarchy type of thing. Like the Escape from NY snake plissken was at least once in the military and was never a punk. I could see this making a bit of sense for corpo backgrounds though, but not really punks. Of course the punk movement is just a chaos agent joker for the jewmasontranny monopolists anyways, controlled opp but still.

    I read that you can start a new game but choose to go right into PL which is likely what I'll do, not too interested in the base game anymore as mentioned. I really had my gamed tuned w v160 all modded and such so unless it's vastly better perf at the same settings I can't see wanting to dive into v2 outside of PL. And later on just dump this one I'm getting and grab a repack with updates, much smaller for storage.

    The steam reviews are just the idiots or the paid for or the ai accounts because they seem to forget that the base game is still there and still largely the same game just some new story stuff and tweaks, all for $30 wow thanks cpdr! I like the game but it's not what they hyped for like 2+ years before it came out, this studio shouldn't be praised too much for it's fraud. They also just repeated the starpucking with idris as well, I wouldn't buy a game just for some trannyhookerwood scum being in it. Nor would I give it higher ratings for that either.

    I'm not saying it should be a fail because of the liars at cpdr but I'm saying let's keep some perspective about it. Graphics are great, gameplay is pretty fun, story is ok, perf is terrible, bugs all over, embarassing empty fwys, obvious npc loops, far away cars are just cardboard signs, transsexual-transhumanism garbage, etc But if you like playing games it's fun and you can recognize the filth for what it is and have fun playing. So more of the same just tweaked isn't too bad overall, the noir is what appealed to me most about this game dark city, rain mods, etc Then the mods are what compelled me to binge on it for a few hundred hours, the base game non modded was fun but not a knockout like TW3 was. I was bored of the base unmodded game back in early 21 when I did the multiple endings runthroughs, put it down for 1.5 years or so.

    So I think I'll be able to fire it up tonight and just do the DLC so 20hrs or so unless there are a new set of meaningful side missions in there, not just fetch quests.
    Hertzian56, Sep 26, 2023
  9. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Some quick notes after a few hours in PL/V2.

    Coming straight from my V1.60 version from late 2022 which I had perfected, modded the hell out etc

    -Updated all the mod frameworks, not sure about redscript though
    -essential mods seem to be working, not going to do all the archiveXL clothes stores like in v160, mostly just replacers which work by replacing already in game clothes.
    -Had this on my c drive which only had 8gb left on it, got out of memory error so moved to my internal secondary nvme w 50gb left after I added this, it works fine now. I don't think it's a page file size, since C has no page file, just ran out of memory.
    -The Edgerunners Mansion DLC was causing crashes so had to get rid of it. The South California DLC which lets you go into the nomad start area past the border doesn't work for this version either, doesn't crash it though.
    -Not sure if cybercmd was causing crashes either, disabled it.
    -Going through my v160 mods list and seeing if they were updated for V2 or if the comments say they work for it.

    -HAVE a bug where I can't equip quickhacks into my OS, likely left over from System-EX mod which added a second OS slot so you can have OS and Sandevistan at the same time. Not sure what to do there, so far haven't needed it mostly though. I loaded up an old v160 save that was ALL done just at Hanako Embers part. So far other than this bug it's been fine.

    -They removed clothes mod slots, which is fine w me.
    -They removed silencers for revolvers, WHICH SUCKS. Loved my silenced revolver for silent kills(I always used PAX mod for NON LETHAL though all the time, PAX not in this game version). Nuked stealth for me really. I use FLings stealth cheat but it takes away the challenge idk.

    -They got rid of certain NON lethal takedown options when grabbing an enemy, NOT COOL. So the focus is on lethality here, they seem to want firefights OR a hacker only stealth style, kinda dumb. I mean they have guided bullets for guns BUT don't have silencers for revolvers in this world? DUMB.

    -MUCH more smooth and better perf overall. Where I got huge drops I get almost constant 60fps now. Front of your first apartment in china district and the diner by vics two places it tanked before. Well done there. NO crashes after I updated all new frameworks, moved to larger NVME.

    -MORE as I think of them.
    Hertzian56, Sep 28, 2023
  10. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    My initial impression is they jacked up the uglyness of the world in a VERY tightly packed Dogtown. It's like they dropped a bunch of junk into an area and started a new district there, really dirty, dirt streets, dirt trails, no need for car usage there. They likely want to make it feel larger by forcing ON FOOT travel only in this district, mmkay.

    It's like Dogtown is a junkyard and the rest of the city is modern and sleek idk total dissonance going on. It's very densely packed though, far more than the rest of the game and I've always had npcs on low to help my CPU and FPS but still a lot of npcs compared to most of the rest of the game. Verticality is good, lots of Kabuki type hanging platforms and such.

    The first few missions are annoying curated interactive movie type of stuff, not my fav but I guess it's a good lead in. So far a couple side missions, eh just ok nothing amazing, more enemies in small bases type of thing. There are air drops you can go get, not too interested, that was a far cry, dying light thing for me. Steal cars and deliver them to Dino I think which unlocks the new cars, no new bikes, which you can then buy. None look too interesting though. Some new weapons. NUKED legendary named weapons I had, turned most of them into lower versions which you can't equip mods for. Not my favorite either. Overhauled the player upgrade system, not as detailed or as many but it works.

    So right to where you start working with the Reed character after a main character leaves, had to wait 2 in game days for that to happen after the intro part. Since I'm done with the main game, I did a couple of the new side gigs, lots of exploring then headed to my northside apartment to sleep for 48hrs to progress the PL story. I'll be BOK.
    Hertzian56, Sep 28, 2023
  11. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I've been updating all my mods for this game which I had all working great in V1.60 so it's been hectic on that front. Starting to get most of my essential mods and mods to fix the annoyances cpdr introduced into v2 like enemy scaling up to you, no silencer slot for revolvers and more.

    They nuked some non-lethal aspects as well which isn't cool imo I played non-lethal as much as possible. PAX is a weapon mod to make your gun non-lethal and it's rare now and didn't seem to work last session when installed. The early game also had a weapon mod to eliminate vertical and horizontal recoil which they removed but left in the horizontal one, well I had a mod that broght back the original one. Totally gone in V2. Some of the conditional grab enemy prompts don't have non lethal option anymore also.

    My OS slots are messed up due to System-Ex mod which added extra slots, I forgot I had it and that it attaches to saves so now in v2 it's all wonky and I can't install quickhacks onto an OS chip. Ugh. So might try save editor work around as mentioned in that nexus forum by a user. System-Ex still not updated.

    Otherwise yeah the story of PL seems to be getting better, now on a main mission which had an escort part via sniper rifle and at a fancy party. There's an appropriate amount of side hustles and side missions too, all in dogtown but some take you out of it for an objective or two. I'm seeing ONLY PL content since this save was one where I was to hanako embers with all NCPD side hustles done, all main missions done, all fixer stuff done, all side missions and storys done etc I'm about 12hrs into it, likely a 20-30hr thing for PL with my play style. If you just do the main PL missions, skipping time with sleep or wait, I'd probably be almost done.

    There's a ton of dissonance and suspension of belief here, like most entertainment. The air drops are obnoxious and they make a sound that's obnoxious. Airdrops of supplies into ONE district in a HUGE city makes no sense, you can go back and forth freely through the checkpoint, sooo what's the problem with normal supply chain then? why are airdrops even needed? for game content only. Night City is an old City-State and Dogtown is entirely within it's borders, it's surrounded. There's no way some independent political authority is going to be able to build a gated off area that large and survive there without NC intervening. Also how the hell did DT get these HUGE barriers of concrete built in a hostile environment and surrounded?

    If you played pre V2 none of this was there either, so we're supposed to forget that this was just normally inaccessible in 1.6 but certainly not huge barriers and border checkpoints? WeirdAF. In 1.6 if you had fly mode or double jumps you could go into this area and it was clearly just unfinished and marked out for this DLC. However why not just put the HUGE concrete walls 50ft high in pre V2 then? It wouldn't be so weird and be more consistent. CPDR not the brightest lights though, nothing original as far as IP they always buy source material. TW3 was based on a series of books, cyberpunk was a board game and probably more way before this game.

    This could have been planned a lot better in advance imo. I think a desert town would have made more sense just beyond the border checkpoint or past the Aldecaldos desert are along that main route or to the north of the oil fields along the coast past some new border wall. Dogtown didn't need to be inside NC territory and the story could have been reworked around that.
    Hertzian56, Sep 29, 2023
  12. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Oh and wanted to mention how favela like dogtown is very strange when surrounded by a sleek modern dystopia, dissonance hard. And the npc residents there either love it or hate it. With a border checkpoint though why not just leave then? And why anyone would love a favela of broken buildings and debris is bollocks. It'd be like a tribal village in the middle of downtown LA just walled off. Very strange story necessity I guess. The Escape From NY version made more sense, a totally isolated manhattan turned into an exile zone of separation. The residents are actually all exiles, prisoners and such.

    Other reworks that are jarring are the spaceport is now gone and some sort of huge structures are out there, very strange. They also have some more prominent distant mountains when looking offshore, simulating a coast line that juts out to the north or island.

    So clearly the game as it is now is how they should have released it 3 years ago or just waited the 3 years for a really long dev time of almost a decade for one game. I really don't think a game should take more than 3-5 years of dev time otherwise it's a one off thing because by the time you get a sequel out things would have changed so much in gaming that it'd be almost a dead IP. GTA is great but 6 has SO much competition and so much more games it won't be the all conquering thing it was with everything so far. No interest in it really. The formula is old and if I want more I'll load up everything I already have 3-5. Online isn't gaming to me it's a form of arcade where you put quarters in ad infinitum but add onto it toxic unhealthy aholes there to just wreak havoc.
    Hertzian56, Sep 29, 2023
  13. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    So yeah I've switched to this from SF for the moment. I'm almost done bug testing my mods for this, hundreds of them but mostly clothes by far both replacers and virtual atelier archiveXL add ons. All good so far there, not doing nearly as much as in 160 version though. Done with base game long ago just doing Phantom and it's a mixed bag. Same level of writing and such just more and dogtown focused.

    I've only got a few of the main story missions to go and I've done all the gigs and side missions on the map, waiting for a couple of them to "get back in touch" to continue. I'm about 25hrs total on V2-PL, probably another 15hrs or so so 40hrs is pretty decent for a DLC.

    Typical CPDR there is plenty of graphical bugs, at least one story bug so far, and annoyances with the new systems. That's all apart from the major dissonance that is featured in this game, it's really a feature of the hermeticism-kabbalist system of satanism overall. The 2-face-ness of it. These jewmasontranny cultists all over live by this code.

    The idea that you need to do both bad and good to "balance" and control outcomes, classic dialectical insanity really. As above so below, order out of chaos etc all this garbage. Always a hidden meaning there. For example, it's really "We create the chaos, so we can then come along and be the order" or get the order "we" want, it's a terrible creed of deception, insanity and frankly satanism. And satan requires sacrifice for his benefits, this comes out in very sick ways in private but is also there in public if you can see it.

    As Above So Below has one of many shocking real world outcomes of Trannyism-Androgyne "gods" like satan promised in the Garden. There's always a scam or rider going along with anything that LOOKs good with satanism, always. For instance all these model/actress etc trannys actually LOOK much more sexy and appealing than real women, BUT it's only through the makeup, surgery, lights, clothes, framing, hormones etc They're daikinis, demon infested beings sent for sexual manipulation of the unwary. Pron is full of them, full bottom surgery, and LOTs of camera tricks and such. The FTMs are even more dangerous, sports ones, political ones etc because they are much harder to convince the ignorant of. If I told you ronald reagan was a tranny or David Beckham or Dwayne Johnson, Ahnold, stallone etc you'd immediately label me as crazy, but it's true nonetheless. Think unthinkable BIZARRE when it comes to satanism, circus freaks and worse. We have a hard time with it because there is a tradition of mostly unified Christianity until Luthifer came along, so there is an old remembrance of eradicating paganism-satanism and it's rites. They went underground and into the jewghetto pit of hell in those ages.

    The Jewmasontrannys label these times as "the dark ages" or "middle ages" but in fact they were mans highest spiritual ages if not mans highest material prosperity times(which are always highly satanic in nature). So basically from Constantine to around 1500 was the astonishing takeover of Christianity of many parts of the world. There was also a huge component by the NOBLE Spanish Monarchy in Central and South America from 1500 to when the jewmasonic revolutions destroyed the progress and now are broken narco death states thanks to jewmasontranny cultists and their jewish-"british" empire of piracy, irreligion and such DISGUISED as an angel light but we see the true satanism of the satanic british empire 1600's to 1950s or so. So trusting that the leadership are not a bunch of lying criminals is something we came to know and it's carried over in these jewmasontranny mafia times sadly. I think many know of the criminal nature of these cultists or their puppet govs but don't know about the unified cult it all is. Or the level of lying as normal in their cult, it's been enshrined in legalisms. The Talmud is the prototype of that, insanity enthroned. Then add on the ancient hermeticism in the form of Kabbalism and you've got a demon hoard all over the place, even admired and trusted by the ignorant or "go along to get along" half-members.

    Anyways I'll only comment on the game next post promise!!
    Hertzian56, Oct 1, 2023
  14. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Almost done w main story of PL and it's pretty good, for all the nonsense of cpdr in so many ways they do produce some good quality overall. I do actually wish that they could have added more content outside of dogtown over the three years though. Nothing too fancy just more gigs and I do wish the Tygers could have had more to do with it overall. They fit the asian oriented bladerunner ethos, perhaps the mysterious chinese general you do a gig for in the base game. I also wish they had a gang component for after the story or before the Hanako Embers ending sequence. Maybe even take on the persona of an existing character for that maybe bugbear or etc

    I'm doing the Mr Hands dogtown play missions which is pretty good, not done yet and then meet a major PL character for looks like the last couple missions of PL. All other unlocked stuff done. I think I'm close to 30hrs which is pretty good esp because I use a trainer which cuts a bit of time out of normal playthrough.

    And I've finally got most of the major mods I used in 1.60 all installed and running, weather, a bunch of clothes, unlocked attachments on weapons to put kanone max sniper scope on my pulsar and power revolver for stealth combat-hacker play style. I also managed to find a few PAX weapon mods to make them non-lethal which I also try to do as much as possible. Hi res skin, a replacer for the fugly shard insertion point on the neck, hiding the robotic arms as much as possible w skin textures that look like normal human arms. Some indispensible car handling mods, game is atrocious handling as usual. It's like you're driving a dolphin through water type of handling, can't hardly keep it on the road it's so heavy and sloshy. I have custom lighting luts to remove vignette and the green filter. Bladerunner weather for more cloudy rainy weather. A bunch of smaller stuff mostly QOL.

    This should have been the V1 original release 3 years ago. And they worked on that for something like 8 years, so appropriately 11 years to get to essentially V1 of this game. Wow. And this is it, no more side content or any content will be produced for this game, it's complete. So at a discount price is the DLC advisable only, not another 30$ on top of the base game at 60$ so 90$ full retail price is just too high. 60$ for the base and dlc is ok, anything lower is a good deal. You're talking approaching 80+ hrs of entertainment if you casually play missing or not doing a lot of it and I recommend the Missing Persons mod which points you to around 200 scenes in the base game of usually grisly deaths and such but is not pointed out in the main game so you miss most of it. This adds probably at least 20hrs to the game and you see a lot more of the world you'd miss.
    Hertzian56, Oct 2, 2023
  15. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    It is stunning graphically though, so yeah this is videogames so graphics do matter more but they're not everything to me, real hands on fun exploration, interesting story telling, innovative mission structure, as little restriction as to play style as possible etc

    I had some bad pop in and read online that the issue is usually if you use custom graphics ini's in your engine/pc folder that affect streaming distance. For the ads replacers like bladerunner he used to say up the streaming distance an such but I read that unintuitively if you go 40.0000 and up it causes terrible pop in and mine was set at 41 in an ini. So deleted that file and vast majority of pop in is gone.

    I got a gpu crash last night according to the cpdr crash info, I had played for hours though. I add a few mods each time to see how they're going to work but I'm pretty much dialed in now, as close to my 1.60 modded out game as possible.

    I got cyberware-ex installed and ripperdeck installed and it's working great. I had used System-ex to add a cyberdeck slot for Drone Companions mod back then. But drone companions wasn't too good for my stealth-combat-hacker play style so I had no need for it after a while. You need another slot specifically for the Drone Companions cyberdeck, it's actually a pretty cool mod though complete with different cyberdecks just for drones like mox drones, etc

    Anyways so I had 3 total OS slots, 1 for OS, 1 for regular Cyberdecks like Sandevistan etc and one for Drone Companions. In V2PL it glitched it so 2 of the extra slots were there but not usable and the one shown when I installed any OS wouldn't show it. It was installed by then I could not install quickhacks, which are a huge part of normal play. Well System-ex carries with saves so that's what it was. Finally Cybeware-Ex came out and it works fine now.

    And Ripperdeck allows you to install anything in cyberware yourself, no need for a ripperdoc.
    Hertzian56, Oct 2, 2023
  16. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Oh and if you're new to modding and just want one big mod, one file to test out with that gives you the most bang at once checkout Proxima Bladerunner AIO. It does do a ton to transform the world into a bladerunner ads, music, etc so it may be a bit much and I don't use it.

    I use the weather mod by the same author though, and on older mods sites which keep older mods you can find some of his ads, vending machines and posters, mags etc separate replacers so you have more control. Just search "cyberpunk mods" and go to any other one that IS NOT nexus, bc the author is nexus only but deleted the separate packs long ago, it's one big AIO or nothing. The other sites keep older mods and you can find them there.
    Hertzian56, Oct 2, 2023
  17. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Hertzian56, Oct 2, 2023
  18. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Well both ending paths of PL are bugged for me. Always right at the end I either fall through the map OR I die immediately no matter what I do. So I'll have to watch the endings, there are definitely some forks from the two endings but really it comes down to siding with one or the other side in PL and I made a save before you had to choose then once I got the ending bug for one a few times I loaded it up and proceeded through the other ending patch and right at the end there I fell through the map multiple times. UN.BELIEVABLE! CPDR are so incompetent and idiotic!

    And to get to the endings of PL you go through long missions where you can't save so to reload and do it all over again to just get the same bug on each is time consuming and a huge let down. I've also seen a lot of bugs in PL as well from phone locking out when you need to call someone to red glitches all over the screen to where you can barely see. In both cases a save and reload solved it but as I said the endings are final, I've tried multiple times on both paths and still get the same bugs which prevent getting an ending to PL. I think I'm at about 30-35hrs with my playstyle to the endings.

    This is why sailing the high seas really makes the most sense, imagine pay first 60 for the base game with all it's issues, though most of them have been ironed out by now but still a lot of visual only bugs there. Then you pay another 30 for PL to get bugs at the very ending, both paths. So 90$ to be a tester, sheesh no thanks. If you're going to put out some hermetic satanic jewmasontranny codex like this I'm not paying you for it period.
    Hertzian56, Oct 3, 2023
  19. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    To be fair the crashes might be due to some mods or the trainer I use. In the side w songbird ending sequence I could see the walk 3x faster speed hack I use being an issue there. On the other ending path I'm not sure how any mods could suddenly just make you fall through the world. The only thing I can think of there would be the now taken down "south california" DLC mod which lets you go past the border and explore the Nomad lifepath prologue area. It's not too interesting but if you didn't play as nomad you wouldn't know theres a small settlement in the desert past the border. That mod puts a ladder on the border wall you can use as a tunnel of sorts to walk over the checkpoint and then down a ladder on the other side etc Otherwise the game itself is programmed to force kill you at some point

    Soo today I'll try both endings, disabling those two tweaks.
    Hertzian56, Oct 3, 2023
  20. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Can confirm my falling through the map in the ending where you briefly go past the border checkpoint was caused by the South California Badlands DLC mod. I disabled it and was able to get past that part of that ending. The original modder removed it long ago from nexus but you can still get it on the other mod sites.

    And I'm going to try to do the help songbird escape ending without the 2x walking speed Fling trainer option enabled, it does seem that when Reed steps towards you it's very fast so this would indicate something with the speed. I've also read that if you have your gun drawn while carrying songbird he'll attack so it also may be god mode. I don't enable 1 hit kill in that trainer most of the time so not that.

    This new ending through PL seems to be fine afa being saved from the effects of the relic and being able to live on. The effect where you are gone for 2 years and suddenly everyone has moved on isn't too realistic though. If you're in a relationship someone would likely wait if you let them know you'd be gone or at least be willing to reconnect in some way but this ending is everyones gone or unwilling to reconnect even if you call them and let them know before you go get the surgery. And also if you have gorilla arms, bionic legs and such how does it make sense you can't have implants afterwards? You'd be a stump, no eyes, likely no bones etc if you get even the most basic implants. Makes little sense. And afaik there's no afterwards play either so what's the point? Sloppy writing imo

    And hard to think Arasaka who made the relic wouldn't be more qualified to save you remove it with and it's effects but afaik that's not possible in that ending from the base game. Very sloppy.
    Hertzian56, Oct 4, 2023
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