0x7E BSOD error on XP boot

Discussion in 'Windows' started by {RainmakeR}, Nov 7, 2008.

  1. {RainmakeR}


    Oct 27, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Hi all,

    I've had my A150 for a couple of weeks and I'm loving it - all except for one thing... I'm getting a random 0x7E BSOD on bootup. Sometimes it boots fine, other times, it will blue screen on the XP boot screen showing a 0x7E error with no specific file identified. I did my own format and install of XP Pro SP3 (slipstreamed) from USB key, and it's using all the same drivers that the Acer install had from the Acer web site. It only does it intermittently, I'd say maybe 3-4 times out of 10 boots. I have to power it off and boot again and then usually it is fine. Event Viewer shows nothing of significance because I suspect it occurs before the event logging takes place. It seems like a driver issue, but there is no file shown. I can write down and post the full error message codes if that will help? Has this happened to anyone else?


    {RainmakeR}, Nov 7, 2008
  2. {RainmakeR}


    Oct 27, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Oh, I should also add the other thing that happens much less often (I've seen it maybe 2-3 times now) is that instead of blue screening, the XP boot screen will just sit there and never actually get past it into Windows. While it's sitting there, the progress bar moves across a bit, stops, and then I see the wifi activity LED flash once, then the bar moves a bit, stops, and the LED flashes again, etc. I left it doing this for 10 minutes and it never booted. This to me seems to indicate a problem with the wifi driver...? Could this be connected to the more regularly occurring BSOD? The wifi driver I'm currently using is the version.
    {RainmakeR}, Nov 7, 2008
  3. {RainmakeR}


    Oct 27, 2008
    Likes Received:
    OK, I snared it, here are the BSOD details:

    *** STOP: 0x0000007E (0xC0000005, 0x00000000, 0xF7ACA384, 0xF7ACA080)
    I also had boot logging enabled, and it seemed to stop when it was loading a driver for Avira AntiVir (avgntflt.sys):

     Service Pack 311  7 2008 23:36:41.375
    Loaded driver \WINDOWS\system32\ntoskrnl.exe
    Loaded driver \WINDOWS\system32\hal.dll
    Loaded driver \WINDOWS\system32\KDCOM.DLL
    Loaded driver \WINDOWS\system32\BOOTVID.dll
    Loaded driver ACPI.sys
    Loaded driver \WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\WMILIB.SYS
    Loaded driver pci.sys
    Loaded driver isapnp.sys
    Loaded driver compbatt.sys
    Loaded driver \WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\BATTC.SYS
    Loaded driver pciide.sys
    Loaded driver \WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\PCIIDEX.SYS
    Loaded driver MountMgr.sys
    Loaded driver ftdisk.sys
    Loaded driver dmload.sys
    Loaded driver dmio.sys
    Loaded driver ACPIEC.sys
    Loaded driver \WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\OPRGHDLR.SYS
    Loaded driver PartMgr.sys
    Loaded driver VolSnap.sys
    Loaded driver atapi.sys
    Loaded driver disk.sys
    Loaded driver \WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\CLASSPNP.SYS
    Loaded driver fltMgr.sys
    Loaded driver sr.sys
    Loaded driver KSecDD.sys
    Loaded driver Ntfs.sys
    Loaded driver NDIS.sys
    Loaded driver Mup.sys
    Loaded driver \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\intelppm.sys
    Loaded driver \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\CmBatt.sys
    Loaded driver \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\igxpmp32.sys
    Loaded driver \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\HDAudBus.sys
    Loaded driver \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\Rtenicxp.sys
    Loaded driver \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\athw.sys
    Loaded driver \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\usbuhci.sys
    Loaded driver \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\usbehci.sys
    Loaded driver \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\i8042prt.sys
    Loaded driver \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\DKbFltr.sys
    Loaded driver \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\kbdclass.sys
    Loaded driver \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\SynTP.sys
    Loaded driver \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\mouclass.sys
    Loaded driver \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\wmiacpi.sys
    Loaded driver \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\audstub.sys
    Loaded driver \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\rasl2tp.sys
    Loaded driver \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\ndistapi.sys
    Loaded driver \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\ndiswan.sys
    Loaded driver \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\raspppoe.sys
    Loaded driver \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\raspptp.sys
    Loaded driver \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\msgpc.sys
    Loaded driver \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\psched.sys
    Loaded driver \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\ptilink.sys
    Loaded driver \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\raspti.sys
    Loaded driver \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\rdpdr.sys
    Loaded driver \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\termdd.sys
    Loaded driver \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\swenum.sys
    Loaded driver \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\update.sys
    Loaded driver \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\mssmbios.sys
    Loaded driver \SystemRoot\System32\Drivers\NDProxy.SYS
    Did not load driver \SystemRoot\System32\Drivers\NDProxy.SYS
    Loaded driver \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\usbhub.sys
    Loaded driver \SystemRoot\system32\drivers\RtkHDAud.sys
    Did not load driver \SystemRoot\System32\Drivers\lbrtfdc.SYS
    Did not load driver \SystemRoot\System32\Drivers\Fdc.SYS
    Did not load driver \SystemRoot\System32\Drivers\Flpydisk.SYS
    Did not load driver \SystemRoot\System32\Drivers\Sfloppy.SYS
    Did not load driver \SystemRoot\System32\Drivers\i2omgmt.SYS
    Did not load driver \SystemRoot\System32\Drivers\Cdrom.SYS
    Did not load driver \SystemRoot\System32\Drivers\Changer.SYS
    Did not load driver \SystemRoot\System32\Drivers\Cdaudio.SYS
    Loaded driver \SystemRoot\System32\Drivers\Fs_Rec.SYS
    Loaded driver \SystemRoot\System32\Drivers\Null.SYS
    Loaded driver \SystemRoot\System32\Drivers\Beep.SYS
    Loaded driver \SystemRoot\System32\drivers\vga.sys
    Loaded driver \SystemRoot\System32\Drivers\mnmdd.SYS
    Loaded driver \SystemRoot\System32\DRIVERS\RDPCDD.sys
    Loaded driver \SystemRoot\system32\Drivers\fwdrv.sys
    Loaded driver \SystemRoot\System32\Drivers\Msfs.SYS
    Loaded driver \SystemRoot\System32\Drivers\Npfs.SYS
    Loaded driver \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\rasacd.sys
    Loaded driver \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\ipsec.sys
    Loaded driver \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\tcpip.sys
    Loaded driver \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\netbt.sys
    Loaded driver \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\ipnat.sys
    Loaded driver \SystemRoot\System32\drivers\afd.sys
    Loaded driver \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\netbios.sys
    Did not load driver \SystemRoot\System32\Drivers\PCIDump.SYS
    Loaded driver \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\ssmdrv.sys
    Loaded driver \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\rdbss.sys
    Loaded driver \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\mrxsmb.sys
    Loaded driver \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\wanarp.sys
    Did not load driver \SystemRoot\System32\Drivers\Imapi.SYS
    Loaded driver \SystemRoot\System32\Drivers\M3000KNT.sys
    Loaded driver \SystemRoot\System32\Drivers\Fips.SYS
    Loaded driver \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\avipbb.sys
    Loaded driver \??\C:\Program Files\Avira\AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic\avgio.sys
    Loaded driver \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\ndisuio.sys
    Loaded driver \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\rspndr.sys
    Did not load driver \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\ipnat.sys
    Did not load driver \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\rdbss.sys
    Did not load driver \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\mrxsmb.sys
    Loaded driver \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\mrxdav.sys
    Did not load driver \SystemRoot\System32\Drivers\Parport.SYS
    Did not load driver \SystemRoot\System32\Drivers\Serial.SYS
    Loaded driver \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\srv.sys
    Loaded driver \??\C:\Program Files\Avira\AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic\avgntflt.sys
    What is up with that weird path? Perhaps this is one to send to the Avira folks?

    {RainmakeR}, Nov 7, 2008
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