10.5.7 and iATKOS_5i working - eventually

Discussion in 'MacOS' started by jongleur, May 18, 2009.

  1. jongleur


    Feb 19, 2009
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    My "HacBook nano" was running 10.5.6 using the iATKOS_5i installer. Similar problem to others after downloading and installing the 10.5.7 combo which left me with a stretched 800x600 but otherwise functional 10.5.7 system.

    Perusing the issues and advice in viewtopic.php?f=14&t=14122 I deleted the appleintelgma kext and the appleintelintegrated buffer in /System/Library/Extensions, then deleted the extensions.mkext and rebooted.

    I then opened kext helper b7 and loaded part 1 of diablo's kexts which contains the gma950 and integrated kexts. Rebooted and bingo, 10.5.7 running at 800x600 (normal, not stretched) went to Displays and selected 1024x600.

    All is good (for me)

    PS. haven't had a kernel panic shutting down without mains adapter plugged in (yet) since running with 10.5.7.
    jongleur, May 18, 2009
  2. jongleur


    Nov 14, 2008
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    Friend, thanks about this information!
    I'm using too iATKOS_5i but still in doubts to update to this version.
    Keep us noticed about your experience with 10.5.7 update.
    rickrodrix, May 18, 2009
  3. jongleur


    Aug 25, 2008
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    I have the 800x600 stretched working ok, but installing part1 kext's gives me video corruption on reboot. Have to go back to single user mode and delete them and reboot to get a working system.

    The USB ports also dont work again, which may be the seatbelt.kext file.
    dirk, May 18, 2009
  4. jongleur


    Aug 25, 2008
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    Nice post, is using the same info as in the post you mentioned above (see below)
    But why open up another thread on this subject?
    I think it would be more useful to have a sticky/howto on this subject including links to the needed and described packages.

    Re: 10.5.7 ?
    by yohko101 ยป Wed May 20, 2009 1:29 am

    i figured out why we're getting the blue screen of death :p

    we're actually missing one more file along with this pack. this is what i did after trying out a bunch of different packages. delete the AppleIntelGma stuff from before. Delete the Integratedbuffer. Then, install the wind msi package. After that, this is the important step. Go back to diablo's part 1 kext. Reinstall the Natit.kext. reboot, and press f8. boot with the option '-f'. after wards, you should see the login screen and you'll have CI/QE back again
    vriesfde, May 21, 2009
  5. jongleur


    Feb 19, 2009
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    Simply because a lot of people don't seem to easily find the information they need when the topic isn't what they are looking for. The fix was in a thread for iDeneb, and as I was just updating my iAtkos 1.5 system, and not reinstalling from scratch I thought others might find just the portion of someone elses solution that worked for me, would be relevant to them.

    In other forums that I use, I find many newcomers don't know how to search and interpret the postings, and simply thought that I'd make my experience, and working system easier to find.

    If somebody uses this information to simply update their system in 10 minutes (or so), rather than nuke the partition and reinstall from scratch wasting an hour or more, then one extra thread in the forum is worth it.
    jongleur, May 21, 2009
  6. jongleur


    Aug 25, 2008
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    If youre reason is to accomodate newcomers who don't know how to search to find the information they need apparently you presume that these people will all be able to find diablo's kext....... :?: and following your rationale we should open a upgrade 10.5.7 post for every possible OSX distri.
    vriesfde, May 21, 2009
  7. jongleur


    Oct 26, 2008
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    Hello, I hope someone can help.
    I have got in a bit of a mess after using apple's latest update (10.5.7) after which I lost screen settings, not a big deal to sort, but after following some dodgy instructions else where on this forum have lost complete control of my lovely aspire!
    OK where am I at?
    Each time I boot in I get beyond the Mac logo to a blank blue screen and then stop, disc activity light flashes for a while and then goes off.
    I have tried to boot up from the iDeneb disc and from the Acer disc but the mac start up kicks and takes control, even after selecting boot order (F2 and F12).
    I have flashed the BIOS
    Done a -v and -x
    All I want to do now is wipe the disc and start again! Like I say I am out of control!
    I do not know enough code (DOS) to side step whats happening and have hunted the forum and internet.
    Any help, advice or pointers in the right direction would be most appreciated.
    I have read whats here but am unable to stop or divert the start up process so cannot follow what seem very sensible instruction... HELP!
    Thank you

    Edit 1
    OK got in with -s back in control but not sure what next...?

    EDIT 2
    Hurrah! Tracked down a way through - "right after you pick the dvd drive and the screen turn black from theF12 screen press spacebar one and wait. I was having the same issues and just had to keep trying. Only press it one and then a boot from cd message will come up."
    esajw, May 25, 2009
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