$100 headless low power linux system

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by kenwshmt, Feb 28, 2009.

  1. kenwshmt


    Feb 6, 2009
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    $100 marvell wall wart computers -



    Marvell Semiconductor is shipping a hardware/software development kit suitable for always-on home automation devices and service gateways. Resembling a "wall-wart" power adapter, the SheevaPlug draws 5 Watts, comes with Linux, and boasts completely open hardware and software designs, Marvell says.

    In typical use, the SheevaPlug draws about as much power as a night-light. Yet, with 512MB each of RAM and Flash, and a 1.2GHz CPU, the unobtrusive device approaches the computing power found in the servers of only a decade ago.
    The SheevaPlug Plug Computer is further equipped with 512MB of DRAM and 512MB of flash. The tiny embedded PC also includes gigabit Ethernet and USB 2.0 ports. Marvell did not release precise dimensions for the platform, but one early product based on the design is listed as measuring 4.0 x 2.5 x 2.0 inches. Plugging directly into a standard wall socket, the Plug Computer draws less than five watts under normal operation, compared to 25-100 watts for a PC being used as a home server, claims Marvell.
    The SheevaPlug development kit supports standard Linux 2.6 kernel distributions, including specific support for ARM ports of Fedora, Ubuntu, Debian, and Gentoo, says the company. The development platform includes an open-source API framework called RainDrop, currently under development, that will be used to integrate third-party applications in a standardized way. Support is also planned for a Java Virtual Machine and an OSGI stack -- technologies that home automation service providers have already invested in heavily.
    its on sale now.
    kenwshmt, Feb 28, 2009
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