1410-4749 help won't boot after screen swap

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by aksuma, Jul 29, 2011.

  1. aksuma


    Jul 29, 2011
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    So basically I broke the lcd screen, which isn't a big problem , I hooked it to my tv via hdmi for a while and orded a new screen . I got the new screen in the mail a week or so later and went about installing it. Normally this is a rather quick fix (I have done this several times before on different laptop) , all the other hadware was functioning properly prior to changing the screen to the new one ( in fact you could still use half of the old screen as well where it only cracked on one side). So I went about it in the usual fashion and completed the switch over in a few minutes. I reassembled , put the battery back in , and... Nothing worked. The screen stayed blank , the hard drive didn't boot , and not even the light for the caps button would come on. The most I could get was the fan came and power light. I switched back to the old screen to see if that would help but nothing happened . I'm wondering what did happen , and how to fix it. Is it possoble I got a dud screen and it fried everything else ? If not what did I do to cause this ? Any help would be great.
    aksuma, Jul 29, 2011
  2. aksuma


    Oct 22, 2011
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    I am in the same fix. The same problems with the screen, I ordered a new screen, changed it and the problem began. I even turned it on just before changing the screen but after changing the screen, it wouldn't com on. Turn is on and the fan will blow for a second or two and die off again.

    Please, someone, what is the origin of this problem? I even switched the RAM but it didn't help. Has anyone gone thru this problem before and how did you resolve it.
    Lapwiz, Oct 22, 2011
  3. aksuma


    Oct 23, 2011
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    Did you get the exact same screen as a replacement?

    Usually a system will run without the lcd, you can use the vga out to see if it works
    JustInSpeed, Oct 23, 2011
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