3G icon missing in desktop connections folder

Discussion in 'Linux' started by Aspiration, Apr 21, 2009.

  1. Aspiration


    Mar 31, 2009
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    After reinstalling linux, updating, installing and deleting VLC because it won't work properly with mplayer installed, the 3G connection icon is missing in the connections folder. I'm assuming that it will show up if I can somehow tell desktop to make it visible. The 3G icon is visible via right click on the desktop so I know its there somewhere. I'm not sure what its called or what lines need to be entered in the group-app.xml to make it showup again.

    Its a minor nuisance caused by linux doing something to the groups file. I reinstalled skype and it is visible in the connections window. Also found out the updates fixed an issue with messenger not accepting .mac accounts via AOL selection. The update also fixed problem with messenger not allowing me to enter a hotmail account. But it ran my 6 cell battery about half dead by the time it finally finished upgrading everything. Somewhere in all this hassle with VLC, something got screwed up. I checked my backup groups file and didn't see anything extra in there before the upgrade or after the upgrade. Who knows where that little icon went to.

    Where oh where has my little 3G icon gone???
    Aspiration, Apr 21, 2009
  2. Aspiration


    Mar 8, 2009
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    check your /home/usr/.config/xfce4/desktop/group-app.xml file. Apparantly Acer forgot to put an /group tag at the end of the line who puts the icon on the desktop. just check the rest of the file to get the right syntax.
    hightower, Apr 23, 2009
  3. Aspiration


    Mar 31, 2009
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    OK. But which line is this? What is the file name for the 3G icon that I am looking for?
    There are 3 commented out lines which existed before and after the upgrade to the 3g package.
    Aspiration, Apr 23, 2009
  4. Aspiration


    Mar 31, 2009
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    I tried commenting out those lines and it crashed my linpus. Wouldn't properly boot after that. Was finally able to get mousepad running and commented those lines out. linpus didn't like me unpatching those lines
    Aspiration, Jul 10, 2009
  5. Aspiration


    Mar 31, 2009
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    I ran mousepad to open the group-app.xml file and found that there were entries for Connmgr (the 3G icon). The app sequence was 8, so was another entry. I changed the app sequence to 9 for Connmgr but it still does not show up on the desktop Connection section. Any ideas?
    Can anyone with a working 3G icon in the Connections desktop send me their group-app.xml file or past it into a message on here so I can compare it with mine and perhaps find a way to have the 3G icon show up? Maybe there's an error in my group-app.xml file from doing upgrades to the 3G program?

    I find it very difficult to determine just how these icons are added to the desktop sections. One command suggested typing dca 12 plus the path to the .desktop for an application. That didn't quit work because it added an icon but I couldn't do anything by clicking on it.
    Aspiration, Aug 3, 2009
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