751h The Thing is a JOKE!!!

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by radioman193, Jul 14, 2009.

  1. radioman193


    Jul 9, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Dansville NY
    Why the hell would i want to watch a 1080p Movie on a 11.6" or a 10.1" Netbook when i can watch it on my 65"Sharp Aquos XS :roll:
    i dont have the time to watch movies when im on the road when im on the road its Not play time.
    Im 45 and i own and run my own business Cross Roads Radio and Pc. with 50 employees that I "babysit"
    Thay like to screw arround like that when thay are out on the road .
    Thats why i have Money and thay dont I WORK and Save , Thay Play and spend.
    and its >radioman193<

    you in your "Small" world
    I feel sorry for you, really! :cry:
    radioman193, Jul 16, 2009
  2. radioman193


    Jun 13, 2009
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    Our Acer 751 can do this:

    while your six netbooks can´t! So where is the "joke" in our hardware, and who is the idiot? :D
    Felix[GER], Jul 16, 2009
  3. radioman193


    Jul 9, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Dansville NY
    the video drops a few frames but still plays "tolarateable"
    i just dont see the point of a 1080p movie on a netbook OR just to buy a netbook to watch them .......................
    But its your life .............
    What you sit arround and watch movie trailers from apple all day?
    try to transfer a big file or Browse the web or some other things with your 1080p "trailer" playing....................

    "Our Acer 751 can do this:"
    and then what ?..........................in your "Small" world.................

    "and who is the idiot? :D " <<<< is there a call for this?
    or is it that your a 10 yo?
    or is this just a reflection of your Own mentality?

    In No place Have I OR will i call another person an "Idiot" or other words of Foolishness to Degrade them or slander them or to make my self feel better.
    You shuld not use words of Foolishness to Degrade others or slander them or to make yourself feel better.
    you will learn this when you growup........ "I hope"

    Then you can play with the bigboys .
    radioman193, Jul 17, 2009
  4. radioman193


    Jun 13, 2009
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    You are funny! Coming to this board, not owning an Acer 751, telling its a joke but have no clue about its features like hardware video acceleration.

    Please stay here, share more of your wisdom! It´s always a pleasure to see someone making a fool of itself :lol:
    Felix[GER], Jul 17, 2009
  5. radioman193


    Jul 9, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Dansville NY

    all you got to say is about your "video acceleration"
    "Our Acer 751 can do this...........................

    So then what Other things can you do?
    or you do with it??................

    What you sit arround and watch movie trailers from apple all day?
    try to transfer a big file or Browse the web or some other things with your 1080p "trailer" playing....................

    you need to go back to bed.
    Or school.......
    Learn to read.
    Or is it you watch to menny apple trailers? and dont know how...

    How can you Say this >>>> "not owning an Acer 751, telling its a joke but have no clue about its features like hardware video acceleration."

    and Features is like MORE than ONE "1" >plural< but you keep talking >Singular< feature without the S hmmmm is this the shool thing again???

    so what Other FEATURES dont id get????????????????? or heve?

    when At the Start Was

    "The Thing is a JOKE!!!
    Wow a hd display with less processing power Hmmmmmmmm
    if you want to do hd you would want MORE Cpu processing Power.
    I took mine back and went for this D250 and was ONLY $249+TAX and its ALOT Faster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    thay shuld have done better than a 1.3ghz cpu with 512 Cache
    1.3 would be "ok" if it had 1024kb Cache .

    the D250 is a Far better Netbook." :roll:

    i had 2 of them here for 5 days then thay Went back to the store.

    your the one looken like the FOOL :D

    "Open mouth Insert foot" :eek: :lol:
    Growup and get a life.
    radioman193, Jul 17, 2009
  6. radioman193


    Jun 13, 2009
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    Great fun here :D

    Seems you are the one with the slow Netbook :shock:

    Felix[GER], Jul 17, 2009
  7. radioman193


    Sep 11, 2008
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    I just have to put in my little 2 cents. I looked at the 11.6 AA1 and felt of it in my hand and decided not to get one because it felt flimsy, cheap and too big for me so I went for the much better styled 10.1 inch D150 for me and the D250 for my wife and I have to agree the 11.6 AA1 is a joke compared to the 10.1".

    Radioman193, that is a quite an impressive setup. I thought I had a cool setup a few years ago when I had 5 computers and 4 external HD's but they were not as manipulative as the setup you have. Good work.
    donec, Jul 17, 2009
  8. radioman193


    Jul 9, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Dansville NY

    Thanks the setup keeps Growing :cool:

    here is my updated Marks with NO swapfile and No Hibernate.
    Full Os to Ram
    radioman193, Jul 17, 2009
  9. radioman193


    Jun 4, 2009
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    Congratulations. Now, the 751 is not for everyone. A certain amount of tinkering is necessary, and one has to understand the limitations of the hardware.
    It is obviously the worst file/http/ftp-server-solution EVER, but complaining over this is like complaining that your suzuki motorcycle can not carry a lot of bricks.

    Fact is, that if you are looking for
    * cheap
    * light
    * good, spacious screen
    * long-lasting battery
    * good HD video capability (obviously excluding flash-based (youtube/vimeo))

    the 751 is currently the best solution. If you are looking for anything else, go elsewhere.
    Bols, Jul 18, 2009
  10. radioman193


    Sep 14, 2008
    Likes Received:
    My D250
    751h was too big for what I want and the keyboard flexes way too much for my liking, and with the N280 CPU battery life is phenomenal, best of both worlds...
    Queen6, Jul 18, 2009
  11. radioman193


    Jun 2, 2009
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    [***********> ] That was my B.S meter that just spiked.
    No yellowpages listing for anything called Cross Roads Radio and PC in a 50 miles radiús of Dansville, NY.
    No google hits for anything called Cross Roads Radio and PC at all. So either that business manages to get by without any webpresence and phone or fax connections, or it is simply a figment of your imagination... ;)

    Oh my, the internet is a great thing, be whatever you wanna be :roll:
    DutchDK, Jul 18, 2009
  12. radioman193


    Jun 13, 2009
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    Hey DutchDK, nice work with that troll!

    want something funny?

    interesting to read from someone who runs a site called "Radiomans World" and which is really small: http://www.frontiernet.net/~radioman193193/ :lol:

    At least we are not the only forum having fun with that guy.

    http://www.dd-wrt.com/phpBB2/viewtopic. ... 58f9b0418b
    Felix[GER], Jul 18, 2009
  13. radioman193


    Jun 2, 2009
    Likes Received:
    LOL.. Want something more funny ?
    http://www.mp3car.com/vbulletin/mp3car- ... #post31632
    Thats a clear case of "I don't do as I preach", if ever I saw one.

    You can clearly see that the company under such leadership will be making an IPO soon and go global - At least if you still smoke the stuff that made Woodstock a great festival...
    DutchDK, Jul 18, 2009
  14. radioman193


    Jul 9, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Dansville NY
    radioman193, Jul 18, 2009
  15. radioman193


    Jul 9, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Dansville NY
    Now you Are a fool as was stated that was a messedup install you are starting to look like a real retard now you say a foolish thing like that and did not look at the UPDATE picture above your post what you blind from watching to many 1080p trailers from apple ????

    or cause it hurts you to see facts you dont like?

    i think its alittle of each one My self.

    try posten things like this

    radioman193, Jul 18, 2009
  16. radioman193


    Jun 2, 2009
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    None of the above since I don't own a 751h, nor a D250. As for your technical knowledge of electronics being superior to mine, I sincerely doubt it. I've checked to see if you ever have been mentioned for your "L337 electronics skillz" on the DC forum, Engadget, Ars Technica and other similar places, and no mention of you came up, Ralph.

    But if you say so, then we should probably believe it, just like believing you have a company by the name of "Cross Roads Radio and PC" with 50 employees which is not listed anywhere, including on Google searches, telco Yellow and White page searches, or in the CoC listing for the municipality your company is located in. Heck, even the IRS probably don't have a listing for that company..

    What gets me is your antagonistic approach and behaviour on the forums, and your incessant need to repeat the same posts over and over in multiple threads. It looks like I'm not the only person who thinks you are a dofus based on your (lack of) communicative skills, and your behaviour.
    Appearently from what the 5 minute google search provided (yep, I spent a full 5 minutes searching your nickname, and not a full day. 5 minutes that I never will get back *sigh*), your behaviour is old hat, and typical for you.

    Even here on the Aspireoneuser forums you managed to show that "I don't do as I preach". In the 4 Gig ram thread you posted :
    to people who disagreed with you about its location - And at the same time in this thread you belittled and ridiculed people who had purchased the 751h. You should just have said to yourself : "If you aren't interested in the 751h, then don't bother posting in that section." Nope, you just HAD to start an antagonistic confrontational thread in the section meant for that netbook.
    You didn't even stop to think that people might have bought the 751h for its strengths, such as longer batterylife, H.264 decoding in hardware, larger screen, while keeping it mobile, etc, etc. Nope, in your mind if you don't find it good, then nobody else should find it good, nor be in any doubt that you find it bad.

    What then made me contribute to this thread, was your posting re ownership of business and number of employees quoted previously, which I actually only saw since it was quoted. You see, I normally just disregard posters that I predict will be posting stupidity - Thats what the "foe list" ("ignore" on other forums) function in the control panel is meant for - and you were on that list from about your 10'th post on the forums.

    You see, people who tend to bring up "their ownership of a medium sized company" on technical forums to prove their credentials, generally don't have any credentials at all, feels insecure among their peers, and try to butter themselves up to be better than what they really are. When people then questions such information, no info about that company can be found, and the poster either goes underground, or gets confrontational and starts namecalling. You fit the profile fine - if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and isn't in Disney World, it IS a duck.
    DutchDK, Jul 18, 2009
  17. radioman193


    Jul 9, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Dansville NY
    Even here on the Aspireoneuser forums you managed to show that "I don't do as I preach". In the 4 Gig ram thread you posted :
    Well lets see ummmm I started this thread so the same would apply to you.
    And i NEVER sed that I Know more than you or othes on the forum.
    cause nomatter how "smart" you are you will Always find somebody smarter than you.
    I NEVER have to Brag of my knolage or bolster my Ego in no way shape or form as implied.

    I dont feel that the information that you want me to provide as some sort of "Proof" That is Not pertinent Information in this forum .
    the information pertaining to My business and How i run it is not a matter that shuld concern you.
    and you shuld not concernrself with it or My personal life .
    you shuld concern with your own life and Things not other peoples .

    And if you have ben on line for years you Shuld know NOT to give Personal or Private information in an OPEN Forum or to others that May or may not cause problems with the Information you give then.
    Like "nosey people".

    It dont Matter to me if people believe what i say or not thats not my concern.
    My concern is that people that Dont know No better have more accurate and factual information to work with for whatever the subject matter is.

    Just like this thread ALOT of people Not knowing Better Would see HD and think it will be faster and can do things faster than the others.
    When its just not true.

    I DO NOT get in here to "match wits" with nobody
    just like when i started this thread it was a simple observation of the facts
    when i got the 2 Acre 751's home and started to configure them i Instantly noticed a difference in performance over the other netbooks here at the shop.
    It was just not as "snappy" as the marketing information would have you think.

    Then if people "try" to tell me i dont know what i am talking about for it
    well Then i will just Post the Facts as i can show them that i am not wrong and in more than 1 way.

    and as for the people that like to go to the other forums and Try to find information to try to demean or discredit Me
    You Shuld read the full thread and the others that pertains to That conversation and what is going on or you just might make yourself look Foolish.

    Just remember the facts are here about the 751 no matter how mutch others try to draw attention away form them.

    Get ALL the information you can.
    Dont Be ignorant !

    if you Think i dont like to help Others to start Look here:
    http://www.dd-wrt.com/phpBB2/viewtopic. ... c&start=75
    http://www.dssgeeks.com/forums/9-sats-1 ... ml?t=40650
    http://forums.ilounge.com/showpost.php? ... ostcount=7
    http://sgforum.hu/listazas.php3?id=1016 ... to=mpxplay

    "you might need to be a member to see the pictures"

    Reviews For the 751 ALL point to this!

    :arrow: http://gadgetmix.com/index/acer-ao751h- ... ck-review/
    radioman193, Jul 18, 2009
  18. radioman193


    Sep 24, 2009
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    Can we just agree that radioman is a douchebag who doesn't know how to spell?
    He's one of those people who like to criticize other people to make himself "look good", which is quite obvious from the subject of this thread and his obsession with dissing everyone who decides to disagree with him.
    Being a person who owns so many different netbooks, I'm surprised that he still doesn't understand the concept that different people have different uses for their netbooks. He likes to impose his opinions on others and make others think like him, which is a very childish thing to do.

    What radioman wants to do now is to reply to this post and diss me really badly for seeing through him, but after reading this, he'll be even more pissed because I guessed what he's going to do, so he will do one of the following
    a) diss me like I said
    b) not reply to this thread to prove me wrong
    c) reply to this thread but not diss me just so he can prove a) and b) wrong
    d) he has run out of options. There is nothing else he can do but type in all caps.

    He is probably very pissed right now, and will try to act cool and "feel sorry for me" or what not, but he is pissed. If he says he isn't, he is lying and will deny that he is lying.
    I think radioman should just stick to the forums that deal with the 20 million netbooks he owns instead of coming over to the 751 and trash talk. Maybe he'll help more people that way, like he claims. The only kind of posts we want here are helpful ones, not your bs. Thanks.

    And to contribute to this thread, I'd like to say that I own a 751h, and I love it. Suck it radioman.
    kered424, Sep 24, 2009
  19. radioman193


    Jun 4, 2009
    Likes Received:
    You really didn't leave him any alternatives, did you? Plus this this thread is more than two months old...you really hold a grudge :)
    Having said that, I find him annoying as hell too...
    Bols, Sep 24, 2009
  20. radioman193


    Sep 2, 2009
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    People buying a 751 should be aware of one thing:

    It is not a fancy toy you can use to impress your classmates with. So, radioman193, you probably made the right decision by replacing it with a different model ;)

    The 751 is a decent piece of technology when it comes to actually working with it. Extremely long battery life, a good keyboard an a fairly large (subnotebook-sized) screen are features that made this the perfect netbook for me.
    DrNo, Sep 24, 2009
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