7800mAh 9 cell Test Thread

Discussion in 'Accessories' started by Elerin, Jul 14, 2009.

  1. Elerin


    Jul 14, 2009
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    Hello, fellow users!

    I own a Acer (that came with a 3-cell) for about two months and as in August my Information Systems college will start (I live in Rio, Brazil) I needed more juice to use my 8.9" One all day long.

    After one entire night reading the very helpful posts about 6 and 9 cell batteries and ebay sellers, I have finally decided to buy a 7800mAh 9 cell.

    The reason for this thread is the following: the information about these tipe of batteries (which are the most long-lasting ones we can have right now) is very fragmented trough all posts. Therefore, I'd like to centralize all the info we can collect on these batteries, their runtimes, the sellers and stores carrying them and etc on one single thread,for the ease of our little-battery-owners colleagues.

    Based on recommendations from other users, I ordered my from the seller 100digi, for U$65 and he advertises it "w/ SANYO cells". I will edit this post as soon as I get my shipment delivered with tests! But so far the vendor seems reliable.

    In the meanwhile, you fellow owners of the 7800mAh can post your results! Let us know from whom or which store you bought them, the wear level, the Manufacturer (simplo, etc), the runtime, etc...

    Hope we can get some good info here!

    Elerin, Jul 14, 2009
  2. Elerin


    Jan 24, 2009
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    Upper Margaritaville
    I have a 9-cell SIMPLO purchased from Mambate last spring. It provided 8-hour power for about a month, then rapidly declined. Right now, it doesn't provide much more time than the OEM 3-cell. In fact, BatteryEater Pro reports the 9-cell as a 3-cell. After 3 months, BEP reports an inordinate amount of "wear" on the battery. My guess is that 3 cells went bad over the first couple of months & now 3 more have gone kaput.

    It exhibits a very weird characteristic: it shows time remaining that would be in line with a 9-cell until it reaches 50% charge, at which point it runs down to 3%, triggers the critical battery alert & shuts down in about 3 or 4 minutes. In other words, everything looks hunky-dory until you've half-drained the battery & then, POW! No juice.

    I know this is a case of YMMV with these aftermarket batteries that seem to be made with cheap parts & virtually zero QA at the factory, but my advice to others would be to spring the extra bucks and just get an Acer battery for a spare. You get what you pay for.
    djeaux, Jul 21, 2009
  3. Elerin


    Dec 17, 2008
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    @djeaux, yours was 7200mah ?
    b/c i read alot of pepole with that battery having problems, like no charging after a month.

    I recieved my 7800mah 9 celler today, at least it is 7800mah, pretty big and heavy but it lift the aspire one a bit which is nice.
    It came charged 66% (weird) and had 5% wear, after i rebooted the device it had 4% wear.

    Well, i do not expect much of this battery, so we will see in the long rune. g'day
    eses, Jul 21, 2009
  4. Elerin


    Nov 1, 2008
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    I have the dealextreme 9 cell 7800 mah. It came charged (not fully) and 0% wear according to 'Notebook Battery Info'. I have fully used the battery up and it has had one full charge so far without any issues.
    nickp34, Jul 21, 2009
  5. Elerin


    Dec 17, 2008
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    huh? how can the full charged capicity be bigger then the designed capicity ? then it always says no wear lol
    also looking at the designed capicity it is 7200mah, so if it says 7800mah anywhere on the battery then thats a lie.
    im no expert at all but it is easy to calculate mah, but i wonder how they made the full charged capicity look bigger then the designed capicity..
    eses, Jul 21, 2009
  6. Elerin


    Nov 1, 2008
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    I have seen that mentioned elsewhere. Batteries specs are given in mAh but the program reports the values in mWh. 0% wear level above was when it came new. Dont have the AAO here so not sure what current level is.
    nickp34, Jul 21, 2009
  7. Elerin


    Dec 17, 2008
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    I just discharged, then fully charged it(took around 4/5 hours), now it says wear 2%, anyway: as time it says 9h:15 :p , all i use is a1ctl with webcam and ethernet disabled, wifi on, also i use bios from packerd bell dot, screen dimmed to my best likening.

    I might take some pictures of the battery and a screenshot , im not going to fully test it but from my findings i guess something like 6 hours video playback, 7/8 hours browsing, 4/5 hours heavy usage like gaming

    w''ll see how long it will last, as that is always a problem with li-ion batteries
    eses, Jul 21, 2009
  8. Elerin


    Dec 23, 2008
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    Anyone been using there 9 cell for ssay a few months and can share their experience/performance and where you purchased including seller id if on ebay;)
    sandydoull, Aug 2, 2009
  9. Elerin


    Dec 23, 2008
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    **This is the same info i have posted over on the ebay sellers thread**

    Just received a 9 cell 7800 rated battery $42.87 (inc insured postage!) from hk-zhaoyu http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... SA:GB:1123, shipped within 24hrs of ordering, received to the far north Sweden within 8 working days (a normal package takes 4 days from stockhom!). Build quality seems really good, colour matches my white aa1 perfectly, battery is a good fit, no looseness apparent, now onto my suspicions...

    My battery info is as follows:

    present:                 yes
    design capacity:         8658 mAh
    last full capacity:      7653 mAh
    battery technology:      rechargeable
    design voltage:          11100 mV
    design capacity warning: 300 mAh
    design capacity low:     306 mAh
    capacity granularity 1:  32 mAh
    capacity granularity 2:  32 mAh
    model number:            UM08A71
    serial number:           1000
    battery type:            LION
    OEM info:                SIMPLO
    ode: Select all

    Which I make out to 7800mAH as claimed, however after charging once the full capacity shows around 12% wear, is this likely to increase after a few charges, or is this all I am going to get? Don't want to leave -ve feedback just yet as i was so pleased with the ordering/shipping process and build quality seems really good and a 1 year warranty is apparently given I'll give it a couple of charges before contacting the seller.

    Update: after three charge cycles nothing has changed, the seller is however helpful and offered a refund/replacement if his troubleshooting tips dont work
    sandydoull, Sep 10, 2009
  10. Elerin


    Dec 23, 2008
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    The battery turned out to be a dud, it looked great in the beginning but then i noticed some strange behaviour, if i turned the computer off at night with say 40% battery left the battery would be completely discharged by morning, this behaviour only occurs with a partially discharged battery. After say 20 emails I have returned the battery and received a full refund inkl. return shipping. So fair play to the guy/girl.

    My only issue was with their very unclear communication due to the language barrier and in the beginning they tried to strike a deal as to how much of the return shipping they were willing to pay (even tho i had bought insurance which covered return shipping of a defective item, so i couldnt say i recommend this seller, they may have been unlucky with the dud battery, they have a lot of good feedback, but I wonder if ppl have maybe been too quick to leave feedback before noticing the batteries deterioation.

    sandydoull, Sep 24, 2009
  11. Elerin


    Jul 2, 2009
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    It appears you are not alone. This is very similar to what happened with my battery. After the first couple of charges, the Acer just switched itself off at just under 40% and did so after every charge. It appears that there is some sort of problem with these batteries. I emailed the seller and agreed to return it for a replacement. I have sent it off but have not pursued them for a shipping refund yet (£3.36). I think i will do that now!!

    pablos, Sep 25, 2009
  12. Elerin


    Dec 23, 2008
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    HAs anyone had any sccess with an ebay battery and if so from which seller?
    sandydoull, Sep 26, 2009
  13. Elerin


    Mar 7, 2009
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    I live together with two friends and we've ordered two new 9 cell 7800 mah batteries, I'll give you an update as soon as they arrive and we know more about preformance etc.
    Droid, Nov 9, 2009
  14. Elerin


    Jun 29, 2008
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    i also just bought one from eBay but at $40 inc P&P I don't have high hopes for it. However, at the moment it's lasting for more than six hours easily. I hope it lasts, but I am holding off leaving feedback until I am sure it's not going to fail like so many others reported here.

    I shall report back in a few weeks.
    lotus49, Dec 26, 2009
  15. Elerin


    Jan 6, 2010
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    I bought mine on ebay aswell, seller pcpowertech, I think they are all the same batteries sold by diferent guys.
    Shit, I´m tired of buying bad things from China, they lie too often and made bad things as if was heaven. Bought it in July, and today as a 57% of wear level!! too bad. But what´s worse is that the notebook data is not real. I read in Notebook hardware Control app that have 0% while voltage remains at 10.8. The laptop shuts down bellow 10V or so, something between 9.6V and 10V, so the counter is bad. All is bad. Paid 78 usd for a battery that never worked 8 hours, maybe 4 or 5 if I´m optimistic. Maybe now is under 4 hour with only 6 months of use.
    The worst thing is that, how any one know if is buying shit or if is buying a real good quality battery?
    lagoausente2, Jan 6, 2010
  16. Elerin


    Dec 4, 2009
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    I encountered that kind of battery before.

    But you pointed out that a more expensive battery doesn't always equate good quality.
    Yuravi, Feb 11, 2010
  17. Elerin


    Feb 18, 2009
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    Well to add to the list of purchaser's, I just ordered mine and it shipped today from Laptop Battery Depot. Comes with a 45 day money-back guarantee, two year warranty, etc - they checked out from the searches and BBB checks I did(not a recommendation yet). This little laptop is perfect for me to use throughout the days etc, as I do a lot of consulting, programming and data crunching. Its not my main machine for development but when I have to leave my main's, it does the job quite well, but I want to break past that 1:45 mark just running XP Pro.

    Should have it in two days, three max as only a state away from them. Will post back next Sunday with what my results have been with them. The do international orders as well according to their site. They where a few buck more then seeing what you have all paid from ebay, but then I am hoping I don't have an issue or have to send it back.

    Valenfor, Mar 15, 2010
  18. Elerin


    Feb 18, 2009
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    It arrived in two days, free shipping USPS. Plugged in and was already at 50% with 0% battery wear. 45 day guarantee. So will update again in a week or so after I get a few cycles through but so far the company has been good.

    The batter was well packaged. Just stoked to see how it does once its fully charged :D
    Valenfor, Mar 18, 2010
  19. Elerin


    Jun 9, 2010
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    People promise to post updates on their experience, but they don't. :(
    Luc, Aug 23, 2010
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