A few questions from a Linux n00b...

Discussion in 'Linux' started by kilburni, Aug 25, 2008.

  1. kilburni


    Aug 23, 2008
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    Okay, so I bought the linux version before I realized that the windows version was only 20 bucks more. Unfortunately I bought it along with two accessories that i need which were free via mail-in-rebate so returning to circuit city and waiting out the windows version isn't an option at the moment.

    All I really need to be happy with linpus lite OS is a simple, windows-like desktop. SO...here's what I've done.

    After clicking in desktop settings to allow xfce to control the desktop, I went through the steps as detailed in a post on this forum editing the xfce4-session.rc file client0 and client3 lines as described in the aforementioned post.

    For a few reboots this worked just fine. Eventually, however, the xfce blue background with a rat on it came up and i could no longer right click for a menu. I eventually was able to get the computer back to factory status and then go through the process again, this time first killing the process xfdesktop2 before anything else.

    So far, so good it seems. What was the problem I had the first time and why does linpus lite feel like altering my setup after a few reboots?

    This whole linux world is so very confusing to me.
    kilburni, Aug 25, 2008
  2. kilburni


    Aug 14, 2008
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    You'll sometimes have trouble with the standard desktop due to one of Acers scripts checking for an old session. If it happens again check /home/user/.config and look for a directory like 'xfce4-session' (not sure on the exact name as I don't have my One with me atm) and delete that, reboot and xfdesktop-xfce should come up.

    If the desktop is coming up but your background image and some of your menu icons are missing, try the command 'killall -USR1 xfdesktop-xfce'
    IMSancho, Aug 25, 2008
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