A0751h downgrading from vista to xp?

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by brianthehawaiian, Sep 6, 2009.

  1. brianthehawaiian


    Dec 6, 2009
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    Yes .. I'm doing a clean install. After the 2nd time of trying, I removed the hard drive and connected via conversion cable to my desktop. I scan the hard drive for any errors, removed the partions and recreated.
    I started the install again and allowed the install program to format the partion. The install runs very fast ...even when the "registering components" starts, it is very fast ... it gets to 10 minutes ...jumps to 9 minutes and the status bar moves almost all the way over ... then just sits here.

    The installation program continues to display different information on the screen ...
    the mouse still moves ... .. the pc appears to be working, but it will not go beyond the 9 minutes
    mdodsonTN, Dec 6, 2009
  2. brianthehawaiian


    Aug 9, 2009
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    I think that something similar happened to me recently while trying to install XP on an older computer.

    IIRC, I simply pulled the plug, let the machine sit and think about how bad it is being, plugged it back in, started the install process again, and it finished just fine. :)

    Perhaps give that a shot - try it again, if it still stalls on you, unplug the machine & pull the battery, then restart it. You can't/won't harm the machine at all.
    Drjones, Dec 6, 2009
  3. brianthehawaiian


    Dec 6, 2009
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    I am going to power down, pull the battery, give it 5 minutes then bring it back up.
    I really need to find a solution. do you think the problem could be with the chipset?
    mdodsonTN, Dec 6, 2009
  4. brianthehawaiian


    Aug 9, 2009
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    I honestly have no clue but I doubt it is with your machine. Try Googling it.

    Why don't you install 7 anyway? Much better than XP.
    Drjones, Dec 6, 2009
  5. brianthehawaiian


    Aug 9, 2009
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    Drjones, Dec 6, 2009
  6. brianthehawaiian


    Dec 6, 2009
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    I have also tried to install Win XP from the USB with the same results.

    I don't have a license for Win 7 :cry:

    i shut off the unit, pulled the battery and AC and disconnected the USB CD.
    Allowed the unit to sit for 5 minutes.

    I replaced the battery, AC and connected the USB CD.
    I started the unit back up ... the unit booted displaying the Acer logo and then with Windows XP Splash screen.
    The screen went to "setup continue".
    Setup continues and installs devices.
    I get the Regional optins (keyboard, mouse, etc), personalize software,
    Then I enter the product key, computer name and admin password.

    The system then moves to "installing network"

    Performing configuration

    copying files (you can hear the CD spin up)

    Completing Installation (28 minutes)

    Installing Start Menu Items (19 minutes - CD spinning up again)

    moves to Registiering Components ... green bar moves at a steady pace and the time decreases
    to 13 minutes at which time the bar moves rapidly across and the time decreases to 10 minutes ... after about 30 seconds at this point, the green bar jumps almost all the way over ... very, very, small white area can be seen .. time drops to 9 and .... same issue ... :cry: :cry:
    mdodsonTN, Dec 6, 2009
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