A110L (ZG5) stalls/freezes when browsing

Discussion in 'Linux' started by snowlord, Dec 30, 2010.

  1. snowlord


    Aug 8, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Uppsala, Sweden
    This question must have been asked before, but despite many searches I can not find it. Please point me to a previous discussion if possible!

    I have an old A110L (with an 8GB SSD) running Lubuntu 10.04. I have tried to follow various tips on this forum and elsewhere to reduce wear on the SSD. Among other things, I have disabled journaling.

    I have been using my AA1 quite much now and then, but now I have an irritating problem. When browsing the web in Google Chrome (Chromium) the system frequently (every 20 seconds to every minute) freezes for some seconds before letting me control it again. Mostly I can move the mouse during these freezes, but sometimes not. I do not always experience this, for example not now when writing this post.

    I can not check this at the moment, but the problem may only arise when using wifi.

    I have moved Chrome's cache to the SD card I have permanently mounted, which maybe has made it a little better, but maybe not.

    Is this a known problem and can it be fixed? Thanks for any insights!

    Some information:

    Running 'mount -l' produces:

    /dev/sda1 on / type ext4 (rw,noatime,nodiratime,errors=remount-ro)
    proc on /proc type proc (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)
    none on /sys type sysfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)
    none on /sys/fs/fuse/connections type fusectl (rw)
    none on /sys/kernel/debug type debugfs (rw)
    none on /sys/kernel/security type securityfs (rw)
    none on /dev type devtmpfs (rw,mode=0755)
    none on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,noexec,nosuid,gid=5,mode=0620)
    none on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev)
    none on /tmp type tmpfs (rw)
    none on /var/run type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,mode=0755)
    none on /var/lock type tmpfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)
    none on /lib/init/rw type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,mode=0755)
    none on /var/log type tmpfs (rw)
    none on /var/tmp type tmpfs (rw)
    binfmt_misc on /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc type binfmt_misc (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)
    /dev/mmcblk0p1 on /media/STORAGE type vfat (rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=udisks,uid=1000,gid=1000,shortname=mixed,dmask=0077,utf8=1,flush) [STORAGE]
    Running 'sudo tune2fs -l /dev/sda1' produces:

    tune2fs 1.41.11 (14-Mar-2010)
    Filesystem volume name:   <none>
    Last mounted on:          /
    Filesystem UUID:          e3f1887e-82aa-459b-b743-a3beac5e5f8e
    Filesystem magic number:  0xEF53
    Filesystem revision #:    1 (dynamic)
    Filesystem features:      ext_attr resize_inode dir_index filetype extent flex_bg sparse_super large_file huge_file uninit_bg dir_nlink extra_isize
    Filesystem flags:         signed_directory_hash 
    Default mount options:    (none)
    Filesystem state:         not clean
    Errors behavior:          Continue
    Filesystem OS type:       Linux
    Inode count:              452480
    Block count:              1806640
    Reserved block count:     90332
    Free blocks:              967453
    Free inodes:              363960
    First block:              0
    Block size:               4096
    Fragment size:            4096
    Reserved GDT blocks:      441
    Blocks per group:         32768
    Fragments per group:      32768
    Inodes per group:         8080
    Inode blocks per group:   505
    Flex block group size:    16
    Filesystem created:       Fri May 28 11:06:45 2010
    Last mount time:          Wed Dec 29 21:06:22 2010
    Last write time:          Thu Dec 30 22:37:59 2010
    Mount count:              1
    Maximum mount count:      20
    Last checked:             Wed Dec 29 21:06:17 2010
    Check interval:           15552000 (6 months)
    Next check after:         Mon Jun 27 22:06:17 2011
    Lifetime writes:          23 GB
    Reserved blocks uid:      0 (user root)
    Reserved blocks gid:      0 (group root)
    First inode:              11
    Inode size:	          256
    Required extra isize:     28
    Desired extra isize:      28
    Default directory hash:   half_md4
    Directory Hash Seed:      d121cf2b-6f03-4f5f-bfd2-a75656fe9968
    Journal backup:           inode blocks
    snowlord, Dec 30, 2010
  2. snowlord


    May 29, 2010
    Likes Received:

    Did you try to define a ramdisk and point the Chrome cache to it ?

    I also have a 8 GB SSD and I do it with FF and it works very well.

    art_oliver, Jan 16, 2011
  3. snowlord


    Jan 12, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Are you running spyware dr?
    Mirkin, Jan 24, 2011
  4. snowlord


    Aug 8, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Uppsala, Sweden
    Yes, I did that, but it didn't solve my problems. But I think I have found the solution now. Chromium is updating some files frequently, among them index files on the format "History Index YEAR-MONTH". I don't remember exactly which files (I am at work), but I symlinked lots of them to /dev/null and I do not think I have had my problem since. I'll come back with more detailed instructions to whoever might come by.
    snowlord, Jan 24, 2011
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