A150L adding XP to Linpus

Discussion in 'Modding and Customization' started by cFirefox, Nov 25, 2008.

  1. cFirefox


    Sep 11, 2008
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    I am trying to install XP on my A150L but so far no success.

    Windows is installed, but keeps crying for the hal.dll. Where shall I get it? can I use the one from my stationary computer? Can I generate it somehow? Is that a problem with how I set up my install USB stick?

    The grub delivered with linpus seems to be not working.
    I added the windows part, pointing to (hd0,0) (linpus is on (0,1) but even if I see the menue by adding"color gren/black" I cannot switch options. If press two buttons (no matter which ones) it starts the default. If I switch the default value in grub, the other OS boots (or fails to boot in case it is XP)

    So two questions:
    - What can I do to get XP working?
    - What can I do to get grub working?

    Any help will be appreciated
    Chris from Germany
    cFirefox, Nov 25, 2008
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