AA1 as home page/file server

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by vins, Sep 29, 2008.

  1. vins


    Aug 17, 2008
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    Bulgaria, Sofia
    Hi all,

    I played enough with my AA1 so I want to make some use of it.
    I want to use it as a home web/file server. I have the 120GB model with XP Home.
    I'll probably install Apache, PHP, MySQL.
    I have some concerns about all of this, because I want it running 24/7. I am afraid that it might overheat or that it will fill with dusts.

    Will my warranty expire if I open it to clean the dust?
    Have anyone tried running it for so long?
    Any comment would be nice.
    vins, Sep 29, 2008
  2. vins


    Aug 1, 2008
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    It runs fine with the fan switched off even if it does get a little hot so I wouldn't worry too much about dust. Opening it may invalidate your warranty, but some people have got the response, when asking about opening it for the RAM upgrade, that if you don't damage anything when you do it your warranty will be valid, plus I don't think there are any seals so if you are careful they shouldn't be able to tell.

    If you care about preserving the battery life, you should remove it if you are running it 24/7, since keeping the battery fully charged plus the heat from keeping it running all the time will cause the battery to lose capacity quicker than normal. (read the wikipedia page on lithium-ion batteries for more information)
    retsaw, Sep 29, 2008
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