AAO as a photo frame - mods???

Discussion in 'Modding and Customization' started by ihartley, Jan 2, 2009.

  1. ihartley


    Dec 28, 2008
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    Hi there,

    Looking for some inspiration and ideas. Went to buy my wife a wifi 10" photo frame - £150 OUCH!! I thought, for £50 more I could buy one of these and somehow separate and extend the display. Any ideas how to do this??

    Other option is to buy a 17" LCD for £60, re-case it in a proper frame and then just connect via VGA. Downside to this is a bulky cable - is there any other way I could mod the AAO (e.g. add DVI-out)???

    Thanks in advance for any help! Ian
    ihartley, Jan 2, 2009
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