AAO D150 will not start due to short circuit

Discussion in 'Laptop Hardware' started by krystian, Feb 24, 2010.

  1. krystian


    Feb 16, 2010
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    I hope you are intrigued by the subject ;)

    Here's the story, it might sound a little bit inaccurate, but AAO is a gift for my gf and she goes through this forum often enough to ruin the surprise of what is going to be inside :)
    So I bough a D150, touchscreen [this one she knows about ;)] and 2 devices for miniPCI, since I hate dongles [and thus she was made not to like them too ;) ] I wanted to keep everything in.
    First thing after I got the AAO I have dismantled it and put everything in and fiddled with the switch on the front. Cool.
    I put everything back together and... AAO will not start.
    All I get is the power button light, fan noise for 3 seconds and hdd spinning in the background.
    Funny thing - after I press and hold power button for 10 seconds, the power button goes dark but the drive is still spinning.
    Removing the battery and power plug shuts everything down.
    So I plugged the power button only and... HDD drive starts to spin up!
    I press the power button, it goes green, nothing else happens [i.e. screen is still off].
    Now I notice that the HDD led on the panel below the screen is off all the time.
    I turn everything down.

    I have dismantled AAO again, checked everything twice, put it back together without using any screw [i.e. everything is loose] and I started it.
    Finally, it started, windows booted fine, I was able to install everything. Cool.

    Time to put it back together. I decided I will do it step after step booting the AAO to check and see everything is fine.
    So I put together the top case, keyboard, everything screwed up nicely - AAO boots.
    Ram hatch, mini pci hatch - AAO boots just fine.
    HDD hatch - AAO stopped booting and it does the funky all time power on mode again on me.
    I cannot start the damn thing with the HDD hatch closed!

    Any ideas what could go wrong?
    I presume there's a short circuit somewhere, but it sounds really strange.
    I've tried to make sure all the cables were put as far from the motherboard as possible.
    I've searched the forums, but couldn't find anything, as it's hard to define keywords for my problem ;)

    I would appreciate any ideas, what to look for.
    Now I'm at work, however when I'm back I'm going to fiddle with it again.


    Ok, today I spent some time trying to figure out what it is, and it definitely is not hdd issue. Damn.
    I put AAO together almost completely [top of the caseis still loose] and it worked fine. Then I screwed the top and it stopped.
    Because everything is power related, I thought maybe it's the power switch touching the case or something and short circuiting.
    So I isolated it, tested and it seemed fine. Happy enough I started to put everything together and after I was done with screws on the bottom of the case I tried turning it on again and... same issue. Moment I plug the power connector to the socket I hear the hard drive spinning.
    I'll try to find another cause, however I could really use some help :/
    krystian, Feb 24, 2010
  2. krystian


    Oct 9, 2009
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    Sounds like it has to be a short. Double check that you have insulated the touchscreen controller and that its not shorting when you tighten the case. Also check that all cables are clear of the screw holes. Other than that you will just have to take your time to work out exactly what the cause is.
    ^Andy^, Feb 25, 2010
  3. krystian


    Feb 16, 2010
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    yeah, I've been trying different things yesterday till 2:40am... ;)
    So at one stage, I could see that If I press the motherboard, on the right side, to the case, it will behave abnormally. When I lifted it [actually bended it] just a little tiny bit - it would work fine. I checked what is in there and.. there was this weird aluminum like tape. So I isolated this and checked again - works fine :)
    Started to put everything together checking whether it works after each and every screw. It was almost over... smile on my face, and this last 2 screws... and again, it started to behave abnormally.

    I think I will isolate everything, cover the whole cover with isolation and see how it goes :D
    krystian, Feb 25, 2010
  4. krystian


    Oct 9, 2009
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    Is it possible that the motherboard is cracked or that one of the components has a cold solder joint so when you are flexing the board it is causing a contact to break?
    ^Andy^, Feb 26, 2010
  5. krystian


    Feb 16, 2010
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    Hey folks,

    finally got my problem solved yesterday.
    It seems that after installing all my stuff motherboard stared to touch the magnet of one of the speakers.
    LOL I know!
    But after I taped it AAO started to behave normally.
    I can bend it as I want [MB] and it still works :)

    Perfect :D

    Thanks for your help!

    krystian, Feb 26, 2010
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