AAO D257 Fn keys stuck and mismapped

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by jblanken64, Dec 19, 2012.

  1. jblanken64


    Dec 31, 2011
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    I recently had to replace the motherboard of a D257 for a friend and after doing so, everything works properly except the keyboard. While the regular keys work fine, the Fn keys are stuck on, requiring Fn-F[1-12] to get the real F[1-12]. In addition, the keys no longer match their icons. Instead of the arrow keys controlling volume and brightness, those functions have moved to the F-keys. And a few of the other icons are mismapped as well. A Google search turning up some reference to this in what appears to be an Acer internal service guide, but I don't appear to be able to access that.

    Does anyone have any similar experiences or solutions?

    BTW, the MB replacement appears to have come from a Gateway, not an Acer, but the part number and form factors were compatible. Looking around, the keyboard from the Gateway should have the same mapping as the Acer, which adds to the confusion as to why it's behaving the way it is.
    jblanken64, Dec 19, 2012
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