Access Wireless or Kroger Wireless Lifeline Review

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Hertzian56, Jun 25, 2024.

  1. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I know there's not much out there about Access/Kroger Wireless for the Lifeline program and they likely offered the ACP program when it existed so thought I'd give some info for others out there. It's easy to get confused between this and ASSURANCE wireless which is also one of these lifeline providers that are part of the big 3 networks as solely existing just for that government "cheese", which is lucrative.

    They offer you 2.5G speeds maybe up to 4G low end speeds at the gubment approved measly 4.5gb, which is a plan that would cost less than 10$ on the open market. Then they get likely at least 45$ or more from the gubment for it, likely some fraud and graft,kickbacks going on INSIDE the scamster FCC, obamanation likely gets a piece of the scam is why "it" pushed for it, the obamanation likely gets a piece of the hundreds of billions of thievery which occurs with "obamacare" marxism. Remember the Megacorps run/own the governements, then in turn the banksters-financiers run-own the megacorps, it's a lil turd pile system most are totally ignorant to. Jewmasontranny satanic cult.

    Anyways I was with Qlink which is AWFUL, shady service. DON'T USE THEM, like, AT ALL. I got about 0.5Mbps at the end there before porting my number out. That's not even "typical" 3G speeds of about 3Mbps. Shameful ship allowed by the Gubment dinks. They also essentially shut off my whole cell connection around 10pm to whenever every night, another level of scummery.
    Hertzian56, Jun 25, 2024
  2. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    So yeah ported away asap and now Access is sending a Sim card, which it seems to take almost 2 full weeks from approved applicaiton to getting sim in the mail, this is ridiculous and absurd when you're talking cell phone service in the modern world. These cheapsters couldn't even be bothered to First Class it or 2 day priority ship it, nope it's some weirdo USPS Ground Advantage nonsense from FL on the other side of the country. Access is not looking too much better tbh but these are all rats gorging on that gubment teet so eh. Safelink looks to be the best LL service but I can't do that for various reasons.

    So the DeJoi-Steinberg crypto-jew "CEO" of the now garbage USPS says it takes about 7 days for a ground package to go cross country, mkay typical Talmudick-Kabbalist liar there. Any quasi-gov status or aid or privileges the USPS gets should be completely ended. It's a spy outfit that photos all your mail, logs it and all that info is constantly added to in the Jewmasontranny intl mafias supercomputer-data center military intelligence database. AI will eventually herd the "goy" with robo enforcers, instant death via techno means etc

    So I've been using the Mint Mobile, MM, 1313, of Ryan Reynolds, RR, 1818, HGH abusing trannyman. They have a 7 day 2$ sim card at best buy, BB, 22. This includes not just 7 days limit but also 250 mins, 250 texts, 250mb data. Measly but as a gap filler it works. They give a temp number. It seems to work ok and thankfully I'm on wifi most of the time this week. I don't think their full plans are all that much better then things like Tello, or US Mobile or the other mvnos and I don't think I like the pay for months at a time model either. Rather just pay more for a month at a time.

    I have an unlocked Galaxy A01 tracfone branded I used on Straight Talk for way too long. ST is a ripoff but not much different then other monthly pre paid mid tier MVNOs, all owned by the Big 3 telcos of Tmobile, Verizon and ATT. This is all a managed pricing racket like say laser eye surgery or hearing aids, absolute price NEVER goes down and is fixed between the "competitors" in this dizneyland JMT system we're stuck in. Only same or slightly less for less and less service then before, rebranded of course.

    So my phone I bought refurbed from straight talk for about 30$ can use any network and has all the necessary radios for any of the big 3 networks. It's also easy in the hand at only 5.67" tall and about 3" wide, not like the phablet only that they sell today. Besides an s24, pixel phones, there really aren't any handy phones anymore. The S5 was lighter and had a camera and tech superior to budget phones of 10 years later, even some mid range 400$ phones of today. S5 was like 500$ new compared to the 1200 top level galaxy of today. My Note 4 from 2013 has 4k video cam, 600 dpi super amoled screen, epen, 32gb etc Any budget phone should have this today but none do.
    Hertzian56, Jun 25, 2024
  3. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    So my objective w Access is to either not get terribly throttled or be throttled to a much higher average speed. How 0.5Mbps throttling by Qlink-tmobile is legal for what they get from the gubment is likely due to tmobile not wanting people to use qlink since it's a scammer owned and operated company if you research them last few years. Hopefully qlink goes defunct and is dissolved at some point but kickbacks and bribery etc go a long ways in the federal and state govs of today.

    I also took the precaution of porting my number OUT of qlink beforehand, I don't want to lose my number of 20 years and number barn is only 7$ for a month of parking, worth the hassle to me. So when I get the access sim I'll port my old number to it. I don't think I have the energy to deal with another Lifeline provider, customer service is criminal and it's criminal the US Fed Gov allows this, at least say all CSR MUST be located in the USA you FCC-congressional scumbags! Speaking to non native semi-english speakers in india, SE Asia, Mexico-SAmerica is horrendous and mostly gets nothing done but wastes time.

    Porting is relatively straight forward though, didn't have a problem w qlink there but I think it was mostly automated no dealing with terrible foreign based CSRs.
    Hertzian56, Jun 25, 2024
  4. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    My sim from access will arrive today and then I'll get to porting my old number out of Number Barn to my access sim card. It cost me about 8$ to store my number w number barn, worth it to me with the risk of these scuzzy lifeline providers if they turn off service before you're ported out you lose your number.

    I also have been using the Mint Mobile 7 day free trial(bought a 2$ sim at best buy so not totally free) which includes 250 mins, 250 txts and 250mb it's worked fine and Mint Mobile uses the same tmobile network. I get about 10mbps speeds which is fine for my needs. With Qlink I was getting a throttled 0.5mpbs which is barely enough to just browse let alone anything else. But for an in between thing I recommend the Mint Mobile free trial, they give you a temp number. No credit card info or address just your name which is nice.
    Hertzian56, Jun 26, 2024
  5. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    So I got my sim card from Access Wireless for Lifeline service and then ported my old number from Number Barn and it went through within 10 mins outstanding. Totally recommend Number Barn for parking and even buying numbers. I paid the 5$ activation fee and the initial 2$ monthly fee so a total of arond 8$ to secure my old number from the unreliable and shady Qlink Wireless while I waited for my Access sim card.

    So yeah I so far have no problems with unreasonable throttling with Access Wireless even though it's just another Lifeline Tmobile service. I suspect Tmobile wants qlink to disappear with all their problems with the FCC and such if you look them up, so therefore does terrible throttling and even losing network signal at certain times of the day. I've tested Access with the standard Google test and got a high of 17mbps and low of 7mbps which is way way more then the 0.5mbps that qlink consistently was throttling to.

    So yeah it's not as good as Safelinks free 10gb of data on lifeline but otherwise is pretty good. Most of the other lifeline providers have the standard unlimited talk text and 4.5gb of data which is what I have w Access Wireless. If I use wifi where I can it shouldn't be a problem. And of course the Verizon network is the best overall with tmobile and att behind. But for average users it'll make no difference, within a few miles of a fwy or interstate you're going to get acceptable coverage.
    Hertzian56, Jun 28, 2024
  6. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    So far no complaints w access wireless. I've used the google speedtest a few times and even in a walkout basement saw about 5mbps. The highest I've seen was about 17mbps. I think for normal use today with the apps needs like maps and such about 5mbps should be the minimum but just normal browsing you could go down to 1-3mbps. So it depends on where you are as well and I've seen 5,7, 17 at different places and times. This is all totally fine.

    ONCE AGAIN, DON'T DO QLINK WIRELESS! I can't stress that enough, I went in blind to the different lifeline providers and they seem to be the worst one. IDK about if you buy a plan for them for money maybe better but if you get lifeline don't use them.

    Access didn't send any fancy packages or sim tools like qlink did, just a simcard with a packing slip and a simple slip about how to put in your sim card. But it works. The app also is helpful for getting info about your account. Within 2 minutes of putting in the sim it asked me via text if I wanted to port in a number and I just entered acct# and PIN that Number Barn easily gave me on their site and voila within 10mins my old number ported into my phone. Fantastic.

    They also use Tmobile towers, same APN I had before but they're not throttled down so terribly like qlink is. I think they're one of the best Tmo MVNO lifeline providers. The best overall I think is Safelink verizon towers AND even outside of California my sister in another state gets 10gb of data at high speeds, whereas pretty much everyone else outside CA gets the standard 4.5gb of data that's what I get. I have an unlocked tracfone so I might try safelink at some point just for the extra 5gb of free data but for the foreseeable future Access is totally fine for me.

    Mind you they all have terrible CSR from SEasia or mexico samerica, pretty disgraceful by the FCC to allow that imo Heck some of those who get lifeline COULD have got those CSR jobs in the USA! But w everything the politiwhores do it's all about THEM and their megacorp bosses. Give you a free 10-15$ phone plan charge the taxpayer 40$, see the kickbacks, graft and fraud the jewmasontranny cult gov creates and fosters? Jobs don't matter only the huge loot sharing pot they create and look good doing, "for the needy and poor". Similar to the wealthy privileged lord that Robin Hood was likely based on, he kept lots of the loot himself and claimed lands and such it was no such thing as a good guy etc. but he LOOKED like a good guy too. Win-Win for the conman.

    If the lazy corrupt technocrat FCC and the politiwhores had any real intent on it they would force these lifeline companies to match the prevailing 10-15$ phone plans open market OR give what a 40$ plan on the market would give which means unlimited data and priority speeds or at least minimum speeds of at least 10mbps. Well whatever corrupt world.
    Hertzian56, Jun 30, 2024
  7. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    One thing I've noticed though is that in what I think are high use areas and times you do get throttled pretty badly. Like down to 0.36mbps which is barely usable on any heavier site like most of them are now. Usually areas and times like that you should use the available wifi or not use internet at all on your phone. This was lunchtime in a busy marketplace so lots of Tmobile network users around.

    The difference there from awful Qlink is that they had the data throttled ALL THE TIME to about 0.5mbps didn't matter where or when, a blanket low end data speed. As I've said above I've seen Access to almost 20mbps in places and times so the high was 20 and the low I've seen for access is 0.4 about but at least it's based on real network load and not a blanket all the time depriority like in qlinks case. Qlink for about the first two weeks was a hard 1.1mbps cap then in the second month or so it was down to 0.5mbps hard cap. Seems the wrong thing to do to keep customers, promise low deliver high is a better strategy there. I still get begging emails from those scumsters.
    Hertzian56, Jul 19, 2024
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