Accessories missing and advanced mode not working

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by Katelucy, Jul 24, 2011.

  1. Katelucy


    Jul 24, 2011
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    Hi! I've just bought a Happy 2 with linpus meego installed and I'm trying to get to grips with it.

    According to the support and help info ive read there should be an accessories folder under the applications panel which would give me customisation options - this is missing! The things I've read also seem to suggest there should be a dedicated app for searching for and downloading software apps, or that there should be a way of searching forthem through live update - this functionality is also missing! Is there a problem with my OS, or do I need to do something before I can access these things?

    I've tried to activate the advance mode but when I enter the command into the terminal I just get a command not recognised. I've double checked and I'm spelling it correctly...

    Also, is there anyway to double check exactly which version of the os I'm running? Thanks!
    Katelucy, Jul 24, 2011
  2. Katelucy


    Jul 24, 2011
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    The meego version my system is running is, according to Cat /etc/issue:

    MeeGo release 1.0 (MeeGo)
    Kernel \r on an \m

    According to Cat /proc/version it's:

    Linux version 2.6.37-netbook-LP-HR ([email protected]omain) (FCC version 4.5.1 20100924 (Red Hat 4.5.1-4) (GCC) #27 SMP Tue Feb 22 10:11:51 CST 2011

    The system monitor app is only showing one tab for processes instead of the four the help docs say should be there so I can't check it there!

    To make things extra confusing my myzone has separate tabs for files, twitter, flickr and - something I thought came with releases later than 1.0

    Does anyone know what's going on?? Is there a way to access all the functionality im missing and/or get the xfce-setting-sow command working? Or is there something fundamentally wrong with my OS install?

    Thank you for helping the Newbie!
    Katelucy, Jul 26, 2011
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