Acer AO 756 customization

Discussion in 'Modding and Customization' started by Yogabagaba, Dec 25, 2013.

  1. Yogabagaba


    Dec 25, 2013
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    Hello to everyone I hope you're enjoying your holydays. Title says it all I want to customize my netbook into a gaming PC, since it is a low spec PC I can barely play games on it. I like my PC, don't plan into buying another one, I wanna pimp it.

    I just wanna buy the right components since I've been searching them on best buy, I have basic computer knowledge so feel free to reply with the right terms, I will get them. My PC supports up to 16 GB for RAM, I did handle about that already, but I don't know how to search for the right video card since most of them are for desktops. Can you guys help me out?
    Oh yeah, I also want to know if a GPU can replace a graphics card, in that case I would upgrade the CPU into a good GPU and I'd kill 2 birds instead of one, since I'm planning to upgrade the CPU anyways.
    Thank you and merry christmas.
    Yogabagaba, Dec 25, 2013
  2. Yogabagaba


    Aug 22, 2008
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    Romford, Essex UK
    Unlike a DESKTOP Computer a LAPTOP is almost impossible to upgrade to become a Gaming Machine...

    This is because the CPU. which is a Celeron CPU in yours, (the cheapest of the cheap CPU's) is usually hard soldered into the socket.

    A 3 GHz i5 CPU will set you back around £150 - What I would suggest is that you buy a CONSOLE... the PS3 has just dropped to £99 in UK... and there are plenty of second-hand stores selling the games for them.
    Brian8gbSSDLinux, Dec 26, 2013
  3. Yogabagaba


    Dec 25, 2013
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    I already own a PS3, probably my next console will be a PS4 and a WiiU. But I want to upgrade my PC, I know I can. I don't mind about the money as long as it doesn't result being a crazy amount. My Aspire One is a cheap model, but I got it as a gift and it is a good computer, I just got it this year it has new components and all (still cheap) even Windows 8. I want to keep this PC forever, just need to upgrade the memory, CPU (this one urges), GPU, etc.
    Yogabagaba, Dec 26, 2013
  4. Yogabagaba


    Aug 22, 2008
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    Romford, Essex UK
    Maybe I was not clear... Laptops are not normally built to be modified...

    Unless you set out to buy a Laptop ALREADY designed for gaming...

    According to the build spec. of your Aspire AO 756 - You cannot upgrade your CPU it is soldered in place. and the Video card part of the Intel NM70 Express Chipset - appears to be built into the Motherboard also.

    Your Acer can ONLY have extra RAM added that is by removing 2 x 2Gb Ram sticks and replacing with 2 x 4 Gb sticks - OR - If you have 1 x 4Gb and a spare slot... then that can be filled with another 4 Gb stick to give maximum of 8 Gb. RAM

    your Manufacturer handbook should tell you this.
    Brian8gbSSDLinux, Dec 28, 2013
  5. Yogabagaba


    Dec 25, 2013
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    Well all you tell me is that, the CPU may be soldered. That didn't sound convincent at all, PC's are supposed to be customizable since that's why they are called "Personal Computers". Maybe if you didn't use the words "appears" or "not normally" I may have not doubts in believing you. We are talking about a PC not a soldered-money-scammer-Mac computer. Well maybe I'll have to dismount this computer to see if I can do anything, if so, I'll contact you and ask for help if I need any, as long as you make statements and not assumptions.
    Yogabagaba, Dec 29, 2013
  6. Yogabagaba


    Aug 22, 2008
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    Romford, Essex UK
    The reason I cannot say IF your CPU IS or IS NOT soldered in... is because there are 15 versions of the AO 756... e.g. AO756-2899, AO 756-1144, AO756-2617... each with its own - different specification.

    A Laptop is TOTALLY different to a DESKTOP,

    The Desktop Computer is designed to be customizeable, i.e. one can replace the CPU and the Video card AND the Motherboard, and virtually ANY component in the System unit (the Big box)

    Designed for PORTABILITY - the Laptop has various components, such as video cards and CPU integrated INTO the Motherboard so it can all be squeezed into the tiniest space the manufacturer was able to mange.

    There is a new breed of Laptop on the market CALLED a Gaming Laptop - SOME of these specialist Laptops (of which your AO756 is NOT one) are designed so that the Video card and/or CPU - may POSSIBLY be changed.

    What you need to realise is that NOT all computers are created equal and the average DELL or even ACER laptop is also a soldered money scammer item.

    Here is a link (just click on it) to an August 2013 review of Gaming Laptops BELOW £1000

    Hope this is helpful
    Brian8gbSSDLinux, Dec 29, 2013
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