Acer D257 + External monitor over 1400x1050?

Discussion in 'Laptop Hardware' started by lamaton, Jan 10, 2012.

  1. lamaton


    Jan 10, 2012
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    I did some research around but couldn't find an answer (sorry if there's one already).
    My netbook is D257 with Atom N570 + GMA 3150. GMA supports maximum of 1400x1050 so that's kind of issue here.

    NewRez is working very good on 10.1" to increase its 1024x600 to whatever I want (at the moment 1350x768) so with using application like that would be possible?
    Basically I'm interested about this: is it possible to go over that maximum for GMA 3150, like 1920x1080 on native 1080p 22" monitor (with emulation from NewRez or so) without bigger problems?
    lamaton, Jan 10, 2012
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