Acer Hanging

Discussion in 'Linux' started by biff, Sep 1, 2009.

  1. biff


    Jan 2, 2009
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    Afternoon all,

    I have tried to search through the archives but I ca'r find anything to help. The problem is that my problem does not cause a specific error. As of yesterday firefox and a few oter applications do not work. Most times when I start firefox the browser briefly opens and then closes straight away. On some occasions it stays open but after a minute or to of browsing it hangs. When it does this there is no way to close the browser other than to reboot the Acer.

    Sorry if this is a bit vague but that is all I can offer at the moment. Is there any logs I can check to see when is happening. I am new to Linux so can't do the simplest of things.

    The only change I have made recently was to set up enrcyption on my wireless network. I did this a week ago with no obviously problems. Could this have caused a problem?

    Cheers for any help.
    biff, Sep 1, 2009
  2. biff


    Jan 2, 2009
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    I now have a brokern Acer. I decided to use the USB recovery stick to get back to the default settings. This looked ok until the process failed with a message saying that it could not continue. Now on reboot, after the initial screen (with F2 and F12 options) I get L 99 99 99 99 99 repeated for some time followed by a message about non bootable devices.

    Could someone point me in the direction of post that will help me sort this out. I was wondering whether to try another flavour of Linux. Would this be just as easy to do as getting Linpus back up and running.

    biff, Sep 2, 2009
  3. biff


    Jun 27, 2009
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    Maybe the USB recovery stick's corrupt mate? I had to do a Recovery 5 or 6 times on my 1st AAO (until the hard drive died but the symptoms sound different) & I had to 're-do' the USB drive once as it wouldn't read. Might be worth a try if nobody's got a better suggestion.
    Good luck,
    HappyH, Sep 2, 2009
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