Acer One 10" issues with Ubuntu

Discussion in 'Linux' started by Flatland2D, Feb 22, 2009.

  1. Flatland2D


    Feb 20, 2009
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    I have been researching netbooks for about 6 months and really liked the Acer One. Do to financial reasons, I didn't end up buying one until recently, and I opted for the newer 10" model. However, I'm having some issues with trying to run Ubuntu 8.10 with it.

    I can't get Sickboy's custom kernel to run on this. I posted about it in his thread.

    I don't have any sound, even after compiling the alsa drivers myself (which took forever!). This includes the speakers and headphones.

    I can't get suspend or hibernate to work when the lid is closed. It will always just turn off the screen. I can manually select suspend and it works, just not when I closed the lid. Same with hibernate.

    The keyboard and touchpad feel unresponsive. I have the sensitivity pretty high on the touchpad for mousing around, but sometimes it seems like the tap to click is not sensitive enough (is there a special setting for this?). Sometimes I have to tap three times for it to register. And the keyboard sometimes drops keystrokes. This might partly be due to me adapting to the smaller keyboard, but I do genuinely feel like the keyboard is missing a keystroke every 50 characters or so.
    EDIT: In Windows, the keyboard feels the same way. Maybe it's just my typing, or maybe the hardware doesn't register a keystroke that well. I just don't feel totally connected to the keyboard.

    I can't get the keyboard shortcuts for screen brightness to work (Fn + left/right arrow). Volume shortcuts work ok. Also, F11 in FireFox doesn't toggle full screen mode.
    EDIT: In Windows it doesn't work either. If I hit Fn + F11, the num lock light does not come on (or actually work). Is it possible my F11 key doesn't work? How could I know for sure?

    I got the 6 cell 5800mAh battery which is supposed to get around 8 hours on runtime, but I only get about 4.5 (running Ubuntu 8.10).
    EDIT: I've only been booted up to Windows for about 30 minutes now just using wifi, and the battery monitor shows 8 hours 41 minutes remaining. I probably haven't been using it enough to get an accurate estimate, but it seems like I'm going to be seeing a lot better battery life (like others have reported) in Windows.

    The fan never stops running, but I think this is because the temperature isn't reported correctly. If I create a screenlet sensor for temp, it shows 27C all the time. Fortunately you can barely hear the fan unless you put your ear to it, but I think the temp not reporting correctly could be an issue.
    EDIT: In Windows the fan definitely cycles off an on, or at least slows down to where it's hard to hear even up close. I think this will be responsible for the better battery life.

    I haven't tested any of this out yet in Window as I'm really trying to keep this a Linux only laptop with Windows just in case, but I might have to start using it for a few days to see if it has the same issues.

    Any help would be GREATLY appreciated! Maybe we can get a thread going (or even Ubuntu Wiki) for the 10" issues and fixes. One of the reasons I decided on the "One" over other netbooks was the community support and integration with Ubuntu. I hope all of these issues can be resolved.
    Flatland2D, Feb 22, 2009
  2. Flatland2D


    Nov 3, 2008
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    Would you mind posting the output of the following commands: dmesg, lspci -vvv

    Thank you
    diggmc, Feb 23, 2009
  3. Flatland2D


    Feb 20, 2009
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    Sure. Here it is:

    Flatland2D, Feb 23, 2009
  4. Flatland2D


    Feb 20, 2009
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    Here is a small update.

    I think my F11 key officially doesn't work. To test it out, I tried binding suspect keys to the widget layer hotkey. Sure enough, F11 is not recognized as a keystroke. Unfortunately, I also found out F12 and Ins also don't work. At this point I will definitely be sending this back for another or repair (bought from Newegg). I need to find out if the rest of my issues are from a possibly defective unit (and ask that those items be replaced) or if they are genuine problems with Ubuntu. I'm really not happy about having to send this back and be without it for a week or two because I'm really loving this laptop. But I really want F11 to work so I can toggle full screen in Firefox, which makes a big difference on these small screens.

    Regarding the keyboard not responding well, it seems to have gotten slightly better. It's almost like the buttons needed a break in period. I don't know - maybe I'm just imagining things. Hopefully if they just replace my keyboard it will totally go away.

    Sound works fine in 9.04. I think it uses the .18 alsa drivers. The one I compiled was .19. I still have no idea what's wrong with that.

    I've been in contact with the developer for acerhdf trying to get a working version for the 10". Hopefully that will solve the horrible battery issue. Anyone else using 8.10 on the 10" and getting bad battery life?
    Flatland2D, Feb 24, 2009
  5. Flatland2D


    Feb 20, 2009
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    I got an RMA number and will be sending my laptop back tomorrow. Anyone have any ideas what might be wrong with the issues I mentioned. I'll be starting over again when I get my new One.
    Flatland2D, Feb 25, 2009
  6. Flatland2D


    Jan 11, 2009
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    This is the downside to being an early adopter - working through problems no one else has the answers to. Sorry. :(

    ajayre, Feb 25, 2009
  7. Flatland2D


    Mar 19, 2009
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    I just loaded 8.10 on mine and have some similar results. I followed this guide to get the wireless working, kill switch, suspect/resume wireless etc.

    I can confirm only 4 1/2 hours of life on full battery charge. I ran 2 movies from boot up to battery drain and almost exactly 4 1/2 hours. I get a little more than that with the 5800 battery if i'm just surfing and let the display sleep a few times but no where near the over 8 hours I got with the XP pre load. I was unable to get the suspend to work on lid close either but i just programmed the power button to suspend and do it that way. Seems to work pretty well except when i forgot to hit the button and just close the lid and walk away :D

    Audio only works through output port with ALSA drivers 1.0.19. Webcam works out of the box however i'm not having luck with builtin mic. I haven't tried the external mic port yet. Given the issue with internal speakers the external mic port might just work since the audio jack does..i'll check next chance i get. I'm not too concerned with it right now as most of the time i'll have headphones plugged into it. I've only played with this for a day or so and will look into the fan to see if that is part of the battery issue. That is where i'd like to focus since i know i should be getting closer to the 7 hour mark easy with the 6 cell 5800 battery. I need to work on stripping the OS down and see if some of the initial services are the issue.

    I'm satisfied for now but the battery issue is the next project. I'll try to report back any findings.

    Any changes so far Flatland2d since your post in Feb?
    Sloak, Mar 19, 2009
  8. Flatland2D


    Mar 20, 2009
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    45p1r3, Mar 21, 2009
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