Acer Support (or lack of it)

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Pete-one, Dec 18, 2008.

  1. Pete-one


    Dec 10, 2008
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    Is it me or is Acer Technical support absolutely rubbish? I have been having an ongoing battle with them to support their product my Acer One, if you have an issue with the software on your Ace One and e-mail them they just respond pointing you to phone support that costs 50p a minute, this is rather steep to ask them a question about something they have locked down on their desktop, I refer to the lack of ability to drag and drop shortcuts onto the Acer desktop and the removal of unwanted Game trials which both should be easy to do without having to call anyone.

    The e-mail address [email protected], which is in the system for o/s issues does not work it just gets bounced back leaving you no other option but to e-mail technical support who then tell you to to phone the 50p a minute number, this i refuse to do because these numbers tend to get abused and you usually end up hanging on the line while they play you greensleeves whilst it is costing you an arm and a leg.

    I am begining to regret buying the Acer One, with the lack of such basic ability, i fully understand that it is just a netbook and as such is not designed to be customised to any extent, but these are basic requirements for any pc, it makes me rather annoyed that Acer have the gall to assume that we as users do not want the basic ability to drag and drop shortcuts, and use software we want to use, this is another bone of contention the only software they want you to use is the semi pre-installed .sh programs from their update website which has hardly any useful software on there at all.

    This all started when i decided to add Korganiser to my machine because the basic calendar is not good enough for my requirements, to make it so I did not have to keep using right click and the navigating to office and starting it from there i thouht it would be nice to drag a shortcut out onto the desktop but oh no we are not allowed to do that!!

    If I had not used Linux before using the Acer One I would not have even known about the fact that there is a "proper" operating system hidden underneath the Acer desktop and this experience would have put me off using Linux for good thinking that Linux was not usable however we all now that it is very usable it is just that Acer have it in their heads we are all idiots and are to be treated that way, I fully understand that Linux is open source and essentially "free" but if Acer butcher the o/s to the extent that it is virtually impossible to personalise then they should accept responsibility for its up-keep if they do not want to do this then they should have left Linpus alone and give us the proper Linux so we can do it ourselves without the grief of circumnavigating Acers bodge job.

    If it was not for you guys on the forum - newbie's to Linux on the One would not have a clue how to do anything which is appreciated by us new users keep up the good work, the manual that comes with the One is probably one of the worst manual's I have ever seen it is literaly "this is the screen" type manual with nothing useful in it at all so your input is invaluable because acer's point of view seems to be pay your cash and go away.

    I am going to follow the forum take some advice from it and get rid of this o/s, i will look at possibly putting fedora 10 on it or maybe Kubuntu once I have worked out the best o/s which gives me the least grief getting the wifi to work ok.

    Once again folks thanks for the forum, keep up the good work and one day I may see my shortcut to Korganiser!


    Pete-one, Dec 18, 2008
  2. Pete-one


    Jun 5, 2008
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    your welcome, good to see users appreciating the forum
    KiNG, Dec 27, 2008
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