Acer update totally kill system

Discussion in 'Linux' started by barrie, Apr 26, 2009.

  1. barrie


    Nov 11, 2008
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    UK / Switzerland
    To start I am only running Linux on my AA0 and am really frustrated with Acer and there live update, :x today my update Icon popped up and there were six new system updates. Normally I am very careful but noted that three might be useful.
    180074 > operating system
    180075 > live update
    180073 Printer patch

    The other three where
    180080 > 3G modem patch
    180079 > ucview
    180081 > g-media

    I mistakenly went ahead with the update and on reboot found I had no internet no sound no clock mouse or keyboard, even the battery icon was telling me that the charger was connected where in fact it was not.
    So the AA0 was effectively dead in the water and as I had nether mouse or keyboard to navigate any where I could do nothing. :cry:

    Luckily I had made a USB restore image :) with all my added applications so rebooted pressed F12 and took the box back to how it was prior to the above updates.

    When will Acer give us the option to only choose the updates we want and not have to except all. As I suspect it was one or maybe two of the following that caused this problem 180080 > 180079 >180081 :?:

    So the moral is always make sure you have a backup image of your system that you can restore to, it only took 10 mins of my time and saved a lot of grief.

    Sorry for my rant ;)
    barrie, Apr 26, 2009
  2. barrie


    Oct 27, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Hi barrie

    Sorry to hear about you problem and glad you are able to restore.

    Regarding the question of selection of updates, macles covered this in one of his blogs. I copy it below,

    Deselecting updates in Live Update
    Acer is still updating the system via Live Update, which is good. Not so good is that updates are mandatory and cannot be deselected. If you removed some applications they will be re-downloaded and re-installed whenever a patch is available for them. It is actually possible to untick updates, but only if they are marked as optional, and those are rare. Almost all of them are marked as critical. Fortunately the line below makes all updates optional. Alternatively you can also use a hex editor and edit offset 0xa950 instead.

    sudo sed 's/Critical/00000AA1/;s/Optional/00000AA1/' -i.bak /usr/bin/onlineupdate

    Full acknowledgment to macles.

    I use it and it works for me but you are still left with the problem, do you know which updates will not cause grief. Not sure if I will try the updates now, maybe I will be a coward and wait to see if you try again????

    Best wishes.
    solpuerto, Apr 26, 2009
  3. barrie


    Nov 11, 2008
    Likes Received:
    UK / Switzerland
    Hi solpuerto,

    Thank you for the command and once again credit to macles , As I can recover my system I may try this next weekend when I have more time.
    Will defiantly post back results, as if this works re selection then that would be fine for me. :)
    barrie, Apr 26, 2009
  4. barrie


    Aug 26, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Rockford, MI
    Geez you got me scared now to do mine, I've been waiting and waiting to do a BIOS update and a fresh install of the Linpus Lite, as my updates refuse to download and install. Every boot I get that damn updates icon and it always errors' out whenever I try to run it, have been through these forums and the help from Macles' site and it just refuses to update. I am though running a backup on my USB stick so if all else fails I can still revert back to that, though I don't think it's possible to revert BIOS' ? And would like to know or find which/where the most up to date recovery image is where to download it from..
    TTgowings, Apr 27, 2009
  5. barrie


    Oct 27, 2008
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    Hi barrie

    Well I took the plunge and updated my One, like you I can restore from previous image.
    No problems, it is working normally so far, just in case I tempt fate.

    Best wishes.
    solpuerto, Apr 27, 2009
  6. barrie


    Nov 11, 2008
    Likes Received:
    UK / Switzerland
    Hi solpuerto,

    This is really good news I will defiantly go ahead and run this at the weekend, thank you for the info.

    @ Ttgowings,
    Not sure I fully understand, Hmm you must create a image as with any OS, I used macles instruction here re creating back up images to restore to. ... ackup.html

    Remember while doing this your screen may go black (time out ) but just press the green power button and your terminal window will reappear.
    barrie, Apr 27, 2009
  7. barrie


    Aug 26, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Rockford, MI
    Barrie, no, I am looking for the newest/latest ISO image of the AAO Restore DVD, the latest image I have is V1.0.6.E, so I was looking for a newer one that would have many of the live updates already installed, as the Live Update on this thing is near worthless, I'm beginning to think MS is behind this or something.
    TTgowings, Apr 28, 2009
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