Acer Users' Manual

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by corowakid, Aug 22, 2008.

  1. corowakid


    Aug 9, 2008
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    Hi - is there such a thing as an Acer Users' Manual for the One? I have the hard copy that came with the machine, and I've looked at the manual one gets from clicking on the Home icon and then Help. Both are scrimpy and really not much help to other than real newbies.

    I suppose I'm looking for a manual on adding/removing software, modem connections, adding application icons to the Desktop etc. Is this something that one would expect from Acer? Or do I have to go somewhere like Fedora (I'm assuming they're the Linux base that Linpus is built on) and get their Linux data sheets?

    I'd appreciate any advice/links to a *comprehensive* manual, if one exists. I realise the forums are a great option, but there are delays in asking/getting/ 2nd questions etc., and a manual would be a major help.

    Thanks to anyone who can provide a link.
    corowakid, Aug 22, 2008
  2. corowakid


    Jul 22, 2008
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    UK - (most locations)
    There is no acer manual that describes the things you want.
    The reason why is that the One is designed for ease of use (in simple mode) not Linux training.
    Most folk can use the Linpus system without any training.

    Check out the beginners section or google for Linux training.
    Once you have read about twenty three manuals then you may start to get into Lunux (I joke).

    The forum provides the best way to get specific answers, you just have to be patient.
    Sid, Aug 22, 2008
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