
Discussion in 'Windows' started by SplendidDevil, Sep 21, 2011.

  1. SplendidDevil


    Sep 21, 2011
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    Hi, I'm using an Acer Aspire 5552.

    For a little while now my laptop has made an odd noise. The best way I can describe this is that usually, when your laptop is working the hard drive makes little noises which is only natural but about 5 minutes into start-up mine makes a noise slightly odder than usual, a sort of on and off rapid clicking sound that lasts for about 5 minutes or so but during this clicking everything freezes, everything just messes up. This was only the beginning.

    The other day I installed a few Windows updates to see if that would sort the problem out, I had turned automatic updating off ages ago and I had to install about 17 "important" updates. So after doing this, instead of my laptop freezing up 5 minutes after start up it now simply makes the weird rapid clicking noise about 20 minutes into start up but doesn't stop and during this time a process will freeze every 10 seconds for about 2 seconds.

    Any ideas on what this could be? This is has been going on for ages now. If it helps, I've had the laptop since March 29th 2011 to present, so it is not that old and I myself highly doubt it is hard drive failure.
    SplendidDevil, Sep 21, 2011
  2. SplendidDevil

    something back

    Jun 25, 2011
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    North of the Watford Gap ,UK
    This problem sounds like a software conflict and not a hardware problem.

    There are many new Freeware programs out there that list software conflict problems.
    Here is just one link to a program called bluescreen view. ... 50892.html

    Some Antivirus programs conflict if you are running more than one.

    Have you considered a acer erecovery back to factory reset, or a windows restore to an earlier point.

    Look in CONTROL PANEL, SYSTEM, then device manager for drive conflicts.

    Also try uninstalling your recent software additions
    something back, Sep 21, 2011
  3. SplendidDevil

    Swarvey Moderator

    Dec 3, 2009
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    When you're talking about strange clicking noises coming from your hard drive, and associated freezes, you could almost bet your bottom dollar that the hard drive is failing. When the clicking starts and it freezes, does the hard drive light stay on solid?

    My suggestion would be to back up and replace the hard drive A.S.A.P. The only software that could cause a fault like this would be a virus that's seriously adversely effecting the hard drive.
    Swarvey, Sep 28, 2011
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