Acerhdf i.e Fan Control - 9.10 netbook remix - Please

Discussion in 'Linux' started by Zimmer, Nov 3, 2009.

  1. Zimmer


    Sep 8, 2009
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    Gentle please lol.
    This is my first real attempt at Linux and I have managed to install 9.10 netbook version on my Aspire One from a usb stick, and to my surprise it worked first attempt (clean install) and it looks good.
    All I want to know, is how to quieten this fan, before it does my head in.
    I read various posts on sudo this and sudo that but thats beyond my current scope unless its spelt out step by step.

    I found this config somewhere

    # fan control for acer aspire one fan
    # according to:
    # check status with: dmesg|grep acerhdf
    # read temperatur with: cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp

    options acerhdf interval=5 fanon=60 fanoff=55 kernelmode=1

    and that it should go in /etc/modprobe.d/acerhdf.conf

    Could anyone simplify how to do this as my knowledge of Linux is absolutely nil.

    All I know is I login with my user name, and under "File System" there is a folder called "etc" and in there is a folder called "modprobe.d"
    Can anyone take it from there

    I know I have a lot of reading/learning to do, but I would rather do it without listening to the fan. :D

    Zimmer, Nov 3, 2009
  2. Zimmer


    Aug 25, 2008
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    Ok, I'll try to talk you through it, with explanations. I should say that I haven't got this distro installed, and am making an assumption or two about what comes with it!

    First, let's explain the 'sudo'. In Linux, various parts of your files are protected from ordinary users - it helps you avoid accidentally damaging important files, and means that a program you are running as an ordinary user can't change your system. This is one of the things which makes Linux more secure.

    But, if you want knowingly to change something in the system, you need to be able to run programs as the special user called 'root', which has authority over all files. The way to do this is to use 'sudo', and usually the way to use sudo is to start with a terminal.

    So, you need to start with a terminal. As I recall, that's on the Accessories tab of the netbook remix screen (possibly called 'console' instead of 'terminal'). Start the terminal, and you will get a prompt, something like
    user@machine: ~$
    Now you want to start an editor, as root so that you can save the results in the 'protected' area of your files. Type
    sudo gedit
    The system will ask you for your password - enter it and press 'enter'.

    (This is where there may be a problem - I'm 99% sure that Netbook Remix has gedit as a text editor. If you get a message saying the program can't be found, then try 'sudo mousepad' instead. Note that the machine remembers that you have already given a password recently, so won't ask you again for a while)

    Now you should have a nice empty text editor window. Type the line you need:
    options acerhdf interval=5 fanon=60 fanoff=55 kernelmode=1
    ...into the editor. Now save the file - you will need to find /etc/ in the filesystem (at the top level of it) and then modprobe.d, then enter the filename 'acerhdf.conf', and save, then close the editor. Now you can close the terminal window too.

    Reboot the machine, and the fan control should start working.
    daldred, Nov 3, 2009
  3. Zimmer


    Sep 8, 2009
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    Now that's a hell of an answer, a perfect explanation.
    Couldn't be clearer and worked first time.
    Thanks very much for your help, its bliss not having to listen to that infernal fan.
    Cheers m8.
    Zimmer, Nov 3, 2009
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