Ad-Hoc WiFi issues - Please help

Discussion in 'Networking' started by Markarian, Dec 14, 2008.

  1. Markarian


    Dec 14, 2008
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    I'm new to the board. Just got my AA1 a couple of days ago from Newegg. Brown 160GB Six cell.

    I installed Vista Ultimate 32bit right off the bat and had no problems until I tried to set up an Ad-Hoc WiFi network. I rely on Adhoc for my internet connection at work, since it's the only way I can tether through my iPhone. DHCP has to be disabled on both ends and IP addresses have to be set manually. A proxy server runs on the iphone, which routes traffic from the laptop. It's a weird setup, but worked flawlessly in XP and Vista 64 on my HP laptop using a Broadcom chipset and on my Everex Cloudbook (WinXP, Realtek chipset, I believe).

    My AA1 hasn't seemed to have any problems connecting to normal hotspots or my WiFi at home, but when I set it up for Adhoc, it drops the connection after only 30-60 seconds, even though it works well during that short period. I found I can keep it alive by running "ping iPhone's IP) -t" at the command prompt, but it drops packets regularly and eventually dies after about twenty minutes or so. I downloaded the latest version of the Atheros drivers from Acer's site *.224 but still have this problem.

    Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this? It's driving me crazy and I'm worried I'll have to sell my A1, even though I love it. Thanks in advance for the advice.
    Markarian, Dec 14, 2008
  2. Markarian


    Dec 21, 2008
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    This is a known issue. Other posts in the forum. I just got my aa1 as well and this really sucks. It's kind of sucking the "net" out of netbook. Having ad-hoc network support was my main motivator to purchase the aa1, my company's network policy does not allow ad-hoc networks. I really wanted to use my iPhone as a wireless modem. I believe I will have to return the AA1. :cry:

    I know this post does not help solve the problem, but I just wanted someone else to commiserate with.
    mcomsto, Dec 21, 2008
  3. Markarian


    Jan 1, 2009
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    I recently purchased an iPhone and PDANet.

    I have successfully created an AD-Hoc network using my Dell notebook and connected to the Internet via the 3G using the iPhone and PDANet however when creating an Ad-Hoc WiFi network using the aa1 it connects but keeps dropping out every 30-60 seconds just like the OP.

    I am running Windows XP that shipped with the aa1. Is this a WiFi hardware incompatibility with the iPhone and aa1 or a driver issue in XP? The OP is running Vista, I'm not sure if the driver is different but this to me suggests a hardware issue?

    I have updated the BIOS and also updated the WiFi drivers and changed a few power settings in the WiFi driver settings under XP but have had no luck.

    Is there a solution to fixing the dropouts?
    zoltak, Jan 1, 2009
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