Add a USB mouse to AAO532 Netbook

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by Auroram, Apr 9, 2011.

  1. Auroram


    Apr 9, 2011
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    How do I add a separate USB mouse to my Acer Aspire One 532 Netbook? I have tried all the USB ports, powered it off and then on again but does not recognize the mouse? Thanks for all your help here!
    Auroram, Apr 9, 2011
  2. Auroram


    Apr 1, 2011
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    Now is this USB mouse wireless or wired? And are you using Windows? If you aren't using Windows I won't be much help to you.

    If it is wireless and hopefully you don't take this the wrong way but are you making sure the mouse is turned on and has working batteries? I've had 3 laptops(2 of them netbooks, one of them an AO) and have always used USB mice.. The touchpad should not be an issue since they both should work without turning the touchpad off first. If the mouse is on and the batteries are fine then I would look at whether the dongle(tiny black USB plug) that you plugin to the USB port is bad. Do your USB ports work fine with everything else?

    If its a wired USB mouse, there shouldn't be anything stopping the mouse from working. Wired USB mice have been around for quite awhile now before netbooks even came out.
    matts1, Apr 10, 2011
  3. Auroram


    Sep 11, 2008
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    What kind of operating system are you using?
    What kind of mouse?
    Does the mouse work in another computer?
    Without the answer to these questions the best help you'll get is what Matts1 said.
    If you are running Linpus then a working mouse should work automatically unless something is messed up with Linpus in which case the best advise for a messed up Linpus is to change operating systems. If you want to change to say Linux Mint I can help and there is a great support forum for it.
    donec, Apr 10, 2011
  4. Auroram


    Apr 9, 2011
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    Thank you both for answering. My main thought was if I could attach a mouse to a netbook at all. I could not find a definite answer in reading around. My Acer Aspire One 532h Netbook has Windows Starter. It is a brand new wired Dynex mouse (I haven't gone to wireless peripherals because of the price of batteries). I figured it out now! The mouse would not track on my dining room table where I was adding the new mouse. It now works with a piece of paper under the new mouse and I will have to get a mouse pad for it. For some reason, it just does not recognize on my table surface? It also tracks if I put it on the netbook deck. When it did not recognize it immediately, I came here to post. Thank you for all your help. I really, really like my netbook for quick surfacing.
    Auroram, Apr 10, 2011
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