add tinyvista without affecting my triple boot syste,

Discussion in 'Windows' started by cv65user, Dec 31, 2008.

  1. cv65user


    Nov 18, 2008
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    i currently have 7 partitions on 160gb using grub boot loader

    20gb xp
    15gb osx

    extended partition
    4gb extenmded partition for knoppix
    4gb exnteded partition for open suse v11
    1gb linux swap

    rest data partition

    i want to put rons tinyvista rev02 on to it . i beleive it is just a 699mb ghost image. that will expand to 2.5gb ? so i intend to make a new 5gb partition and resize the data partition .

    1 how can put it on without it affecting the mbr ?
    - will i loose my grub boot lader , hence making all my paritions lost when vista wipes my boot loader
    2 how much hdd space do i have to give it , will 5gb be enough as i will only be using to test vista as i have not used it before . xp will be my main OS for work
    cv65user, Dec 31, 2008
  2. cv65user


    Nov 18, 2008
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    does leapord have to be in a primary partition or it can be extended logical partition?

    as i can onlyy make 4 partitions max but i have done this to my 160gb hdd

    primary , ntfs , 20gb , xp - instaled
    primary , hsf+ , 10gb, osx - installed

    logical partition
    logial drive, ext3, 4gb, knoppix - not yet
    logial drive, ext3, 4gb, open suse - installed
    logial drive, swap, 1gb, linx swap - created

    unallocated black space 1gb - i cannot make use of this
    primary , ntfs, 100gb , data/document partition

    - so i have to make another for tinyvista , i am thinking to put either before or after osx partitin and move all partitions down or make xp in primary partition and then put all other partitions in to logical partision and a data primary partition ??

    - so will osx install ok in a logical parition ?

    my current partitions and how i want it to

    see here please

    cv65user, Dec 31, 2008
  3. cv65user


    Nov 18, 2008
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    OSX WILL not boot from logical partition so i am thinking of this partition config =

    cv65user, Dec 31, 2008
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