Alan Wake 2 Thread

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Hertzian56, Nov 4, 2023.

  1. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Finished AWE dlc in about 4 hrs or so. I've done it before so no surprises just did it a few years ago and the tweakables infinite levitate is a god send to cut out the annoying combat as much as possible and it's easier to get around for sure. Eh we see the occult trope of Apollo 11 fakery, the frau maro reference to some obscure cleric who found some map or made it I can't remember the whole story but it's got to be something about trickery or fantasy of the crater that they named the landing place on the moon for a11, 111. Of course it was just a set somewhere. Uh the train isn't too interesting, can't remember that little side content, not doing it again. The prisoner wants the helmet not doing that again. Bright Falls could have been repped a lot better instead of some frameworks, think about the dump recreation in the base game. So yeah the aw2 tie in is just ok nothing special. Mentioning Estevez too. Would have been better with Jesse but they're all the same really.

    Plan on finishing main story of Control today, just a couple missions. I'm not going to go back to Foundation I don't think since I got the glitch with the sphere you don't have time to ever repair. I think if I can reload a save at that mission I might try it once more. Uh might do some of the checklist side stuff in base game, did a few of them and most of the major side stuff. I enjoy playing Control it looks good and has interesting content, the repetetive respawning of the same enemies is pretty cheap. I get they didn't want you to notice the emptiness of it backtracking if you don't just use control points though. The CPs aren't usually right to where you need to go though so you're going to have to fight at some point, a.gain. One hit kill and invicible coupled with the inf hover helps to cut it down to min of time though.

    I'd say the control ultimate is a solid 7 of a game so therefore imo aw2 is just a 5.5 or so prob gave it too much credit at a 6-7. As a movie-story it's higher but it's supposed to be a game and judging from that it's just 5.5. So I plan on going back to aw1 and finish that, prob do the dlcs there too. American Nightmare a bit I think it's short but fun, cheap to just do the same thing 3x though. cp77 a new add on car and likely do the big party mission in pl again. The mission after that is the end run mission so don' t do that, did all that a month ago.
    Hertzian56, Nov 22, 2023
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