I have recently installed Vista Ultimate as an upgrade to XP SP3 - or in other words, installed it on top of the XP OS as opposed to a clean installation. Vista recognized some of the devices, but Windows Update took care of most of them. There are however, three remaining devices that are all shown as "Base System Device" under "Other Devices" in the Device Manager in Vista. I have noticed that all functionality is there now except for the Memory Stick Reader. The SD card reader seems to be there, though I haven't tried it yet. I remember having seen a device called "JMBX controller" (or similar) in the device manager under XP, which is now absent. I ran an unknown device identifier program which identified the unknown device(s) as "JMicron SD controller" with DMA. Now obviously my question is, how to get this working again... and which driver to use... As I said, Windows Update took care of it all except for this. Do you have any ideas? Thank you for byour help, and happy one computing, Hans