Android Applications Installation

Discussion in 'Android' started by kulasera, Jan 7, 2011.

  1. kulasera


    Jan 7, 2011
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    :) Hi I have Aspireone D255 netbook and android is preinstalled in it.
    But I'm trying to install android applications in it like office editor and other stuffs, but I could not able to do it,
    can anyone help me to solve the issue.
    thanks in advance
    kulasera, Jan 7, 2011
  2. kulasera


    Feb 11, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Hi kulasera,

    My D255 came without Android and looking for the .iso/installer myself. I will guide you after I have Android on my D255, ok? But meanwhile waiting try this step below.

    I'm not sure with D255's Android but I usually install software using "Market" application on Android Market. May be you can try to find "Market" and click it, then you search the software you want on there and Android will install it for you.
    bapiah, Feb 12, 2011
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