Anonymous says it took down Trump Tower website

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Sefie, Dec 14, 2015.

  1. Sefie


    Jan 15, 2014
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    The online activist group Anonymous said it took down the Trump Tower website on Friday after it warned presidential candidate Donald Trump about his statements on banning Muslims from entering the U.S.

    The site was unavailable during early afternoon, New York time, and according to media reports had been down for about an hour earlier in the day. Around 9 a.m. Friday there, the Anonymous Twitter account @YourAnonNews posted tweets saying the group had taken down the site.

    Trump Towers NY site taken down as statement against racism and hatred. (what you see is cloudflare offline backup)

    ā€” Anonymous (@YourAnonNews) December 11, 2015
    The group also tweeted a link to a YouTube video in which it condemned Trump's recent statements calling for a temporary ban on Muslims entering the U.S. Anonymous said Trump's comments would help the Islamic State group recruit terrorists.

    "Donald Trump, think twice before you speak anything," the video said.

    Trump Tower, a 68-story, mixed-use building in midtown Manhattan, is the flagship property of the Trump Organization, the international real-estate company that Donald Trump leads as chairman and president.
    Sefie, Dec 14, 2015
  2. Sefie


    Jul 12, 2015
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    Donald Trump is stepping on many feet, but I admire his courage to say what others didn't dare too. I am not a fan of his, and in fact I was totally upset when knowing that he is running for President. Over the pass few months though, I can see his points.

    I don't think it is racist or hatred considering what is happening in this country! You must protect your citizens first, and every country in this world has the right to say NAY or YAY without being accused of one thing or another.
    IcyBC, Dec 15, 2015
  3. Sefie


    Dec 13, 2015
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    This seems like a very petty thing to do. The kind of influence those people have, shouldn't they be devoting their time to things that actually impact peoples lives instead of annoying some MEGA-rich asshole?
    PingPongCall, Dec 15, 2015
  4. Sefie


    Nov 13, 2015
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    OK. Why? In order to show they can? Donald Trump is a serious man with serious money and liaisons. First of all I highly doubt this actually happen and if it did I believe it might have happened with some different outcome. Either way I would be thrilled to see the scenario of highly praised TV show Mr Robot where hackers have plans to take down massive multinational companies. Until they stop threatening and do some actual work I do not root for these guys. Why give them a warning ? Did they give it to us and the world when they decided to own us? No. So act and do something good.
    djordjem87, Dec 16, 2015
  5. Sefie


    Jan 15, 2014
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    I honestly thought ''Bleh'' when I read this story, lol. I lost my respect when Anonymous tried to attack the Israeli government web site and failed it. They should stick their noses in things like this... ever since I don't respect this hacker group. They are a joke to me now to be honest.
    Sefie, Dec 18, 2015
  6. Sefie


    Jan 15, 2014
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    I was thinking about this the other day... I think a lot people like him because he has actually said the things many people hasn't dared to say. I honestly don't know if this guy is racist, but I don't think he should be president. I mean, the guy has a very dark side... he was accused of rape by his own then wife. He appears to be such a nasty human being from what I gather, I don't want to imagine what someone like him being in such a position of power would do.

    And yes, I'm personally mortified Europe is taking so many refugees. Because we always end up paying for them. Can you believe we are paying all those thousands of refugees the best of the best health insurance plans? The most expensive ones... No, they had to be given the PLUS PLUS, not a BASIC one... because that is usually the one most Dutch citizen can or will pay...

    When we lose all our money feeding and dressing those people who is going to help us? In Britain they plan to give them everything free for 5 freaking years. How is Europe going to endure all this?! So I understand how Americans feel with all those illegal immigrants. But in Europe is worst, because our leaders are allowing it.
    Sefie, Dec 18, 2015
    IcyBC likes this.
  7. Sefie


    Jul 12, 2015
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    Whoa..that sounds outrageous! Five years of everything for free? Why haven't the citizens take charged or do something about it? That isn't fair for the Dutch citizens to only receive the basic health care, and they got the plus, plus. What gives?

    I believe the big and powerful countries are generous enough already but when the citizens are getting killed, I think they should call for a long pause!

    I don't like Donald Trump to be the president either, but if he can do something about this issue, it is worth taking the four years risk. His reputation is bad to represent the USA, but who else is there to have the guts to do what he wants to do?
    IcyBC, Dec 18, 2015
  8. Sefie


    Jan 15, 2014
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    The 5 years free stuff thing is taking place in Scotland, can you believe those so called refugees are complaining about the bad weather there, not knowing no one there and not being able to find Arabic coffee? How ungrateful. To make matters worse, a lot rape incident took place in the refugee camps in Germany... and soon those men will be free walking in our streets.

    The European Union leaders are failing their citizens, they are bringing in people we will directly have to pay for with our tax money :( A refugee with that excellent health uinsurance (''goverment'' sponsored, of course) could get a pair of glasses worth 200 euro the other day (my man works at that place). Can you believe it? I have never bought glasses that expensive... most dutch people can't afford those with their insurance only.
    Sefie, Dec 19, 2015
    IcyBC likes this.
  9. Sefie


    Jul 12, 2015
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    I have heard about the rape cases and this entire free health plus care is ridiculous. I don't even have eyes care or dental care insurance myself and so are my family. We have to pay for those out of pocket. They have it made for being refugees! So sorry you guys are getting the rug cut right out of your feet like that. Something is not right or justify about this whole deal!
    IcyBC, Dec 20, 2015
  10. Sefie


    Jan 15, 2014
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    I know, when a refugee can get a pair of 200 euro glasses... you know something i so wrong. My insurance doesn't cover the full price of mine, and I can't afford a better one :/ I've to pay for my dental works too. I feel we are being s screwed really. I also feel for you guys, if Trump is the solution, maybe is not as bad as I thought. Gotta admit the guy has balls.
    Sefie, Dec 20, 2015
    IcyBC likes this.
  11. Sefie


    Jul 12, 2015
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    LOL..he has balls all right! I believe he is not a racist but merely looking out for the citizens of the USA. It could be just a tactic of his to get voters, but we are bombed with Mexicans coming in from all the borders. The more people coming in, the less jobs American citizens have to deal with. High school kids now can't even find a MacDonal job. I think we are in a sad stage of life and need a new facelift and Donald Trump has it, for now anyway.
    IcyBC, Dec 21, 2015
  12. Sefie


    Jan 15, 2014
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    I hope he actually does something, but I think he would... I mean, the guy has dared to say things other could only dream of saying in public (he went a bit too far a couple of times though), but that tells me there is a huge chance he might not be doing it just for the show, you know?
    Sefie, Dec 21, 2015
  13. Sefie


    Jul 12, 2015
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    His reputation and lifestyle are not very favorable to be a President of the USA. I can't imagine his 20 something years old wife or whoever it is currently to be the First Lady! It is laughable and alarming to say the least. He is smart and concentrate on the immigration issue that everyone is tip-toeing on talking about because of the accusation of being racist. We will have to wait and see!
    IcyBC, Dec 22, 2015
  14. Sefie


    Jan 15, 2014
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    Did you heard that Kanye West said he'd like to be the next US president? So who knows, maybe he does try the next time. What a mess that would be, I think Trump would do a better job than Kanye, that is for sure o_O
    Sefie, Dec 24, 2015
    IcyBC likes this.
  15. Sefie


    Jan 15, 2014
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    Oh and by the way... if there was a candidate address this crazy mass immigration issue over here, I think most of the people would vote for him. Sadly most candidates make so many promises... it's be interesting to see someone with the real ambition of creating a better country for his/her citizens...
    Sefie, Dec 24, 2015
    IcyBC likes this.
  16. Sefie


    Jul 12, 2015
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    It will take someone with a heavy pocket of money and not afraid to stand up to say what the citizens are feeling and protecting their rights to be a candidate! Yes, they are all making promises and they only need to find one subject that is close to everyone's heart to glue on then the votes will be pouring in.

    As for Kayne West, he should just concentrate on whatever he is doing! Donald Trump seems to be a better choice for now :)
    IcyBC, Dec 27, 2015
  17. Sefie


    Jan 15, 2014
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    Yeah, no one like that on sight :( There are some candidates that are openly against that mass immigration, but you never know if they will eventually do something if they win. I guess sometimes we just gotta risk it and hope for the best.
    Sefie, Dec 28, 2015
  18. Sefie


    Jul 12, 2015
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    I am not really looking forward to the next election time as for now, I am not taking with any candidate. I would like to see the Clintons and the Bushes out of the White House. I believe we had them more than long enough and it is time for fresh air.

    Donald Trump isn't my favorite and I would really feel uncomfortable if he is chosen to be the USA President. So what choice do we have left? We are doomed!
    IcyBC, Dec 30, 2015
  19. Sefie


    Jan 15, 2014
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    I know :( i feel for you guys, you are cornered just like the people in Europe are with all those refugees walking freely all over Europe. Do you ever feel like we are just puppets in a big scheme of things? Like insignificant chess pieces... I'm starting to feel this way more and more every year. I hope you guys get the right guy, whoever that is! Your situation there is also not good with all that unemployment (we also have that issue) and immigrants!
    Sefie, Dec 30, 2015
    IcyBC likes this.
  20. Sefie


    Jul 12, 2015
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    I just don't understand when and how all the big countries suddenly become responsible for so many refugees and immigrants like we are currently! Mexicans are taking their strikes to the street and asked why they are not allowed to cross the border to live in the US. It is like a joke now when that question was asked! I was like "oh really", so why do we have different countries if everyone is can come and go as they please?
    IcyBC, Dec 31, 2015
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