Another Noob

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by engin2, Sep 3, 2008.

  1. engin2


    Sep 3, 2008
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    Greenwich, London
    Sorry, didn't mean to spoil the flow, but justthought I would introduce myself to you all, as that seems to be the done thing on the other forums I am a member of. My name is Engin and I am a noob to Linux and the AA1. I bought mine on impulse last week whilst over in the LAkeside shopping centre, Thurrock. I bought a blue AA1 with the 8GB ssd, I keep regretting the decision and wishing I had bought the HDD version then changing my mind again. At this rate I will end up with two, one white HDD and the blue SSD.

    So far the only mods I have done are the intermediate menus (right click), the advance Desktop script, the speed up of the SSD and following Macles blog, a semi clearout of redundant files. I have made an attempt at the RAM upgrade but that damn and blasted last screw, to the left of the WiFi module beat me and so the SODIMM is still sitting in its packet. The AA1 now has the classic "rounded screw"!

    Anyway thanks for listening to my ramble and many, many thanks for contributing to what has been an enjoyable week playing and learning Linux on my new "toy"

    engin2, Sep 3, 2008
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