Anyone recommend a Ds emulator for linpus lite

Discussion in 'Linux' started by lukyedy, Apr 30, 2009.

  1. lukyedy


    Apr 30, 2009
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    I am trying to get a ds emulator running on my son's AA0, so far the only one I have found is DSmume, which I hope to try installing later today, (I can't go online with the netbook from work) from google it seens I can use yum to install, simply with the command Sudo yum install dsmume. (I will let you know how I get on with this later)
    Has anyone any experience with this one, or are there any alternatives, ideally I need something simple with a gui, or that I can set up a file association to make it easy to use as although my son is quite computer literate, he is only 9.
    Sorry for the wordy post, but any help and advice would be greatly appreciated
    lukyedy, Apr 30, 2009
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