Very nice, thank you for the update. /note to self: Look under the hood of Jolicloud.
I've been using Linux of some kind since forever ago, but it's been a long time since I really dug under the hood. Kind of nice to have this to play with and get my brain wrapped back around the code and CLI and everything. I sat on the back porch last night while the dog played and dug around in the guts for a while. Felt good.
The only problems I had with the distro were : 1. Once I changed gnome back to the standard desktop the system was snappier. The new gnome interface, on all these netbook respins, is just slow for some reason. You will have to install the desktop switcher manually as it is not included by default. 2. maximus is a pain. Edit the two .desktop files to change (on the Exec line) "maximus" to "maximus -s" , log out and back in, then you can kill maximus and it will not restart. (maximus is the application that causes all new windows to open full screen). This was a problem for me during the installation and some applications open larger then the screen. I reported these "bugs" back to Jolicloud. 3. The infamous Intel GMA500. You can install the psb from the ppa, but it does not compile on the jolicloud kernels. I reported this as well, but since it is closed source not sure if we can expect a fix. 4. The tweaks in /etc/init.d/jolicloud all seem reasonable. You may do things a tad different in places, but nothing I forsee as problematic. For new users, sit back and enjoy the performance boost. Very fine distro
I like that Linux is finally getting some props and being seen, at least to some degree, as a good OS solution for netbooks. Between Jolicloud and Ubuntu Netbook Remix, and others coming, we are finally getting some decent options for OS installs. Beyond hacking OS X onto it, or using XP/Win7. Maybe the rising popularity of netbooks, combined with this Linux explosion, will help the public see that Linux is not scarey, can do pretty much everything that Windows can do, and is cool as heck.
Just installed this on the AA1, took about 10 minutes and its running fine on the AA1. Very slick and nice to use, had no trouble installing a few essential apps, everthing worked first time (even the wireless). Much better than that useless Linpus....
It just went beta recently. Still my fave netbook remix and I run it 99% of the time instead of XP. I try to recommend it to anyone who wants a netbook and hates Windows.
Cannot get the microphone to work (linux newbie) I just awful feedback! I deafened my friends on skype just now....
Put Joliclould on my AA1 512 ram and 8 gig SSD and everything is working pretty good. The wifi didn't work at first but when I removed the battery for 30 seconds and put it back in, the wifi worked flawlessly. Weird. Also quicktime (mov) videos don't play right in the provided Movie Player. I downloaded VLC and .mov's still don't play right. I don't know what to do to get Quicktime videos to play smoothly. Any suggestions?
Just installed on my 751h and it runs almost perfect. The only problem I'm having is that hardware acceleration on the gma 500 dosen't appear to be working. I've been reading that full support for the gma500 is expected so I'm hopeful that it will be in the next build or atleast by the time it's ready for full release. When/if that happens this will be my full time OS for my 751h.
Dans une fenêtre terminal : Open a terminal : wget sudo dpkg -i libva1* sudo ln -s /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/dri/ /usr/lib/va/drivers/ sudo apt-get install mplayer smplayer libmad0 wget Décompréssez le fichier mplayer-vaapi-20091228.i686.tar.bz2 pour extraire l'executable mplayer Unzip the downloaded file mplayer-vaapi-20091228.i686.tar.bz2 to extract the mplayer executable Lancer smplayer et dans les préférences : Start smplayer and go to Preferences: General : Mplayer executable : emplacement où avez décompressé le fichier mplayer General : Mplayer executable : browse to specify the mplayer executable you've extracted before Effacer la ligne concernant le dossier des captures d'écrans Empty the line regarding the snapshots folder Vidéo : pilote de sortie, Utilisateur, entrez : vaapi, Video : output driver, User defined, enter : vaapi, Avancé : options pour mplayer, Options, ajoutez: -va vaapi Advance : options for mplayer, Options: add the line: -va vaapi Voilà, ça devrait le faire. Should be ok now, Pour associer un fichier .AVI ou autre à smplayer, clic droit sur le fichier .avi, propriétés, ouvrir avec, sélectionnez smplayer To associate a video file (ex, .avi) with smplayer, right click on the video file, choose properties, then Open with and select smplayer Bon courage Good luck ... ly_1758746
I love Jolicloud, ran it exclusively on my Lenovo S10. I've now decided I need a larger screen so I purchased the 751h. I will definitely be running Jolicloud on the 751h, and will report back. I find it to be the perfect OS for netbooks. It has the web based services of Google Chrome OS and the ability to run local programs when not connected to the 'net (or when you are!).
Just tried it today on my ZG5. It worked fine, but it's not as snappy as it was under the USB stick, and the SD card readers don't work. Going back to trying Crunchbang more extensively for now. It was fun but didn't feel hugely different than NBR.