
Discussion in 'Modding and Customization' started by cabbae, Feb 27, 2010.

  1. cabbae


    Feb 27, 2010
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    Hello my names Abraham and I was wondering what are the different types of mods that I could do for my netbook. What I do know as of now is that I have read something about adding a Broadcom’s PCI-E Crystal HD Media Accelerator & bluetooth module, but I have no idea as to where I would install it. Also what type of bluetooth module could be installed in this AAO model? Thanks in advance ofor any replies! ;)
    cabbae, Feb 27, 2010
  2. cabbae


    Feb 27, 2010
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    Now I think I found the Broadcom Crystal HD Card Here: now just wondering how would I install this? What I have read so far is that the AO532h has 2 slots of PCIe mini and one is occupied by the networking card. I also read that the networking card is on the top slot, s basically all I have to do to install the Crystal Card is remove the network card, install the Crystal then put the network card back in?
    cabbae, Feb 27, 2010
  3. cabbae


    Feb 27, 2010
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    I found a picture of an AO532h and here's how it would be installed.


    The arrow in the left is your network card. The arrow on the right is your free PCIe mini slot. Basically you have to take out first the network card and then install the new Graphics card on the right then put back in the network so that it can fit properly. Now I was wondering where would the bluetooth module go and which one would be ideal to buy for this particular model?

    There is 3 inches of space between both PCIe slots just to let anyone know who needs the information.
    cabbae, Feb 27, 2010
  4. cabbae


    Nov 27, 2009
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    Is Bluetooth an option from the factory for the 532's like it is for the 531 and D250?

    If so you should be able to take the top cover off and find a spot that has some 3M double sided tape already in place and an open plug for the cable. It's usually located on the right side, front corner. If Bluetooth is an option then one of the eBay sellers might have a no solder plugin kit for it and I'd highly recommend it. They are a pretty hard deal to beat for around 20 bucks and pretty much goof proof.

    Of course there might not be a kit available for that model, I couldn't find one for my 531 and the other models that use the 5 pin Bluetooth (1410/1810) port don't have a long enough cable. So I ended up doing the strip a USB dongle bit and hard wired the lines to it. I also found out all the 5 pin Bluetooth ports made in the past year are ass backwards compared to the 4,6, and 8 pin Bluetooth ports and yours might very well be also which is something to be aware of if you have to 'roll yer own' Bluetooth by stripping a USB dongle

    If you don't have a place already to mount the bluetooth then you need to find a spot with no shielding (Some of which is sprayed on like paint) over the antenna part of the USB board.

    BTW if you do take the top cover off be sure to take plenty of pictures, they help in re-assembly plus I'm sure many of us, myself included, would like to see the 'guts' of this new model to the Acer One line
    longjohn412, Feb 28, 2010
  5. cabbae


    Mar 2, 2010
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    Russia, Saint-Petersburg
    I installed the module. It looks like this:


    Only BCM970012 not work correctly in Windows 7. Everything is good only in Windows XP.
    SloNicK, Mar 2, 2010
  6. cabbae


    Mar 3, 2010
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    @SloNicK, what do you mean it doesn't work under windows7 ? Is it your personal experience, or could you point a link on that ?
    Have you also tried it under other OS (like linux ?)

    also, does any one know the difference between BCM970012 and BCM70012 ? Does the BCM70012 has some troubles with Win7 ? Is it known to work on AO532h ?

    BobCaTT, Mar 4, 2010
  7. cabbae


    Mar 2, 2010
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    Russia, Saint-Petersburg
    This is my personal experience. I talked about this here: viewtopic.php?f=10&t=19531&start=10#p112842
    My friend is the same decoder and the same issues with Win7 on AO532h.
    With other systems have not tried, only Win7 and XP.
    I do not know what the difference between the BCM70012 or BCM970012, I have BCM970012.
    SloNicK, Mar 4, 2010
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