AOD250 Fails to resume from Stand By

Discussion in 'Windows' started by nebadom, Feb 4, 2012.

  1. nebadom


    Feb 4, 2012
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    Hello guys,

    I have this excellent AOD250 since 2 month ago. No complain other than an issue that is driving me crazy: My netbook wont resume from Stand By.

    I've tried the "camera driver" thing (in fact, right now it has the Microsoft driver), I have checked the registry upside down, I have updated the BIOS to the latest and the drivers are all up-to-date.

    Other thing that has me worried is the temperature. I downloaded "Speed Fan" and although I cannot control the fans I'm able to monitor the temperature. It is ranging from 47 to 60 C (full load). Still, It seems pretty hot to me. And no, I have found NO software able to control the fans (VERY quiet thouh). Question: is it normal? (AOD250-1283).

    Any ideas?

    Thanks in advance.
    P.S.: I have Windows 7 SP1 installed with all the updates.
    nebadom, Feb 4, 2012
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