Applications not starting in KDE

Discussion in 'Linux' started by philubuntu, Apr 3, 2009.

  1. philubuntu


    Aug 12, 2008
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    Hi Guys!
    I REALLY need help!! I have Mandriva installed and working great with KDE. The only problem is that I nearly always have to logout and login again to be able to open any applications, other than Plasma and desktop apps. CLicking on icons does nothing, trying to open from the menu does nothing, but as soon as I log out and log in again everything works great.

    Oh- the first time I log it says I am localhost.localdomain (doing this from another computer so may not be exactly what it says) after I log out and log in again it is something else.

    Any ideas?
    philubuntu, Apr 3, 2009
  2. philubuntu


    Aug 12, 2008
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    0 I am bumping my own post because I am getting REALLY fed up of this problem. I switch on and watch everything load, type in log in details and password and then have to log out and in again so that I can use any applications. I am using KDE and am very happy with that (Been with Gnome for a while- fancied a change.)- the Kickoff Menu tells me that I am logged on as "unknown0022691c04ec"...this is when it is all working okay. Otherwise I am logged in as "Localhost." or "Localdomain." or "localhost.localdomain."

    What I would like to know is how to get my machine to always use the login that works?

    Any suggestions appreciated.... :(
    philubuntu, Apr 14, 2009
  3. philubuntu


    Dec 31, 2008
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    Ok, let me preface this suggestion with 2 things:
    1) I'm a GNOME user
    2) I'm a relative greenhorn when it comes to Linux

    HOWEVER, Mandriva One (Gnome) has an application to "Configure Your Computer" otherwise known as Mandriva Linux Control Center. Within Control Center there is an option, under Boot, entitled "Setup autologin to automatically login".

    My suggestion would be to set it so that your working user "unknown0022691c04ec" is the default and logs you on at startup. Perhaps that will help?

    Good luck.
    jdeluca, Apr 15, 2009
  4. philubuntu


    Aug 12, 2008
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    Thanks for your suggestion.....glad that someone was willing to try and help!! I don't think this is the solution as it is not a problem with the user...for example today I switched on and my AA1 worked straight away, I am currently "User phil on unknown0022691c04ec" and I even had wireless up and running already. This is what I want to do it is another question!

    Someone out there will know the answer......?
    philubuntu, Apr 17, 2009
  5. philubuntu


    Apr 17, 2009
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    Your problem is very strange, I have never eard about this king of thing. Which version of Mandriva do you use ? 2009.0 ? One, Free, Flash, PowerPack ?

    I am a regular user of Mandriva since 2003, and I currently use the future 2009.1 (Spring, Cooker RC2 KDE4 One) and every thing works well out-of-the-box (Wifi, Webcam, Touchpad...). With some tweaks for Intel 3D and the slow SSD, it currently boots in 28 seconds, and KDE 4.2 is fast and responsive.

    May be try to ask questions in the official Mandriva forums. Or if you can, wait for 2009.1 Spring definitive version to come at the end of april, it is a very promising version.

    Best regards.
    alouali, Apr 17, 2009
  6. philubuntu


    Aug 12, 2008
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    Thanks for responding Alouali,
    I'm glad that you say this is a strange problem- it is driving me mad. I have found a temporary solution. I get logged in so that everything is working and then instead of shutting down I just close the lid0 straight to stand-by. This is working great and when it comes out of stand-by wi-fi is still connected, everything. I am using 2009 with KDE 4.2 and really love it- this is the only problem I have. It also changes everyday, sometimes I can login straight away othertimes not- I have noticed that i can launch applications sometimes okay until I connect to wireless, then I lose the ability to launch applications. Again, without wanting to repeat myself too much- all the Mandriva applications and Desktop applications (kicker, Plasma, kickoff menu) are working- I just can't launch any applications without logging back in.

    I guess you are right and I may have to just wait for 2009.1- will I have to re-install or can I just upgrade?
    philubuntu, Apr 18, 2009
  7. philubuntu


    Apr 17, 2009
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    With Mandriva you have the choice, you can upgrade or reinstall. If you don't have too much data on your SSD (and I think we can't with only 8GB), I recommend you to delete all your partitions, recreate a single ext2 partition (with no swap if you have made the mod for 1.5G RAM), and then install the final release of 2009.1.
    If you just make an upgrade, there is still the risk that if the problem is in bad configuration files, they won't be updated.
    alouali, Apr 18, 2009
  8. philubuntu


    Aug 12, 2008
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    Alouali- thought I just let you know how I got on. So, I upgraded first and the problem was still there, so I have now down a complete fresh install of 2009.1. I now have none of the previous problems with the login and hostname stuff. Applications all start and everything works really smoothly.
    EXCEPT.......Wireless is broken. The net applet says that I am connected as soon as the desktop comes on (that hasn't happened before!) and everything would suggest that the connection has been made. However, I cannot use the internet or send e-mails....unless I use a wired connection.

    I have posted elsewhere about this but cannot find a defintive answer. Wireless is flakey as we know with the AA1 but I cannot understand why everything seems to be connected but no data is exchanged....Other posts on this forum and Mandriva Forum talk about different drivers and ndiswrapper, and also about dhclient versus dhcpd settings, but this is all very complicated and doesn't seem to solve it.

    Any help would be appreciated.....from anyone!!
    philubuntu, May 11, 2009
  9. philubuntu


    Apr 17, 2009
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    Hello philubuntu,

    it's surprising how much problems you have with Mandriva on the Aspire One ! I have done a fresh install of the final 2009.1 (Spring) One KDE 4 version, and everything works fine out the box ! Everything means the webcam, the wifi, the volume keys, ... I have also format my SSD in ext4 instead of ext2, and the SSD feels faster, I am very well surprised. The only tweak I have made was in the /etc/X11/xorg.conf to get the 3D effects of KDE 4 runs smoothly.

    Concerning your Wifi connection, have you tried to disable IP V6 in Mandriva Control Center > Network > Advanced settings ? Does ping on a site works ? I use a WPA2 key and it works fine (the first install, it says there is a connection problem, but in fact it works fine), and you ? Are you sure you have installed the "One" version and not the "Free" ?

    Try to check Mandriva website 2009.1 erratas, and to post for some helps in Mandriva forums.

    I am sorry I can't help you more for now as I have never had any problem with Wifi on the AA1.
    alouali, May 11, 2009
  10. philubuntu


    Aug 12, 2008
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    UPDATE- So, I am sat outside McDonalds using their free WiFi (Thanks McDonalds!) and I have had no problem at all hooking up. I popped here earlier today and configured the connection- basically just selected the network and cliocked connect. Now I am back all I did was switch on and there is the wireless already up- brilliant!
    Question is- why can I do this here and not at home? I know my router works as I have another laptop (Vista) that connects no problem.......

    The search continues!
    philubuntu, May 12, 2009
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