As Cool as 7 is, I'm still going back to XP

Discussion in 'Windows' started by Paisley Pirate, Feb 6, 2010.

  1. Paisley Pirate

    Paisley Pirate

    Nov 3, 2008
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    I spent most of the last day loading Windows 7 onto my AOA150, and now I am getting ready to revert back to XP.

    I liked the speed of load time, and the look of 7. Itself it ran fine on my AAO. All of the programs that I use for work loaded fine... until...

    I ran into issues with my mapping software and using my GPS unit (a DeLorme LT-40) with Microsoft Streets and Trips 2009. Since I have to be able to access this program with my GPS unit, I would either, a) have to go drop another $75 on a new GPS unit, or b) revert back to XP, since DeLorme doesn't support the LT-40 Serial Emulation program in 7... (Microsoft nuking compatability again)

    Also, since you can't (apparently) resize a 1024x768 depth window with rescaling in 7 (a1ctl won't do it, and is not supported in 7, although some people have it working, I tried everything I could think of for 3 hours trying to make it go, before finding out about the GPS unit issues) there isn't enough screen in S/T 2009 to make it worthwhile as a navigation program for the AAO (although DeLormes Street Atlas 09 and 10 do fine, and the gps does work with them...)

    It's the little stuff that trips you up. And, sadly for me, I have to revert back until such time as these issues are resolved. Ugh.
    Paisley Pirate, Feb 6, 2010
  2. Paisley Pirate

    Paisley Pirate

    Nov 3, 2008
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    Ok, I have one of the two issues that I was stuck with unstuck... I am an idiot... I found the screen resolution adjustment thread (thanks to Johntor for this) and that fixed one of my two issues.

    I still don't have GPS support for NMEA, but that's not as critical as I thought it was, since DeLorme's Street Atlas program works with it, and their monitor works (just doesn't transmit out via USB / Virtual Serial Port) .

    So, I think I am not going to switch back right now (especially after a day of trying to get it to go back to XP, finally found a solution that I can make work... I am either dense, or have no luck at all with several of the various schemes for XP backup disks... I think it's my luck, to be honest, clonezilla never wanted to see my usb drive, xp disk didn't want to boot off of usb dvd drive, umm... there's more, but you get the drift)

    Anyway, I am happy with how it is working so far... now if that silly mouse rotation program works, I'll be dancing crazy like.
    Paisley Pirate, Feb 7, 2010
  3. Paisley Pirate

    Paisley Pirate

    Nov 3, 2008
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    microphone issues... specifically onboard microphone issues...

    I have tried to reload drivers (normal culprit) for 5 tries total.

    Went inside the computer thinking I might have unhooked something... nope. And the Webcam works fine.

    So, I gave up and reloaded XP on it... AND>>> You guessed it, still no microphone... (tried 3 versions of drivers on it, too...)

    So... now I am back on XP for the moment, and I am going to have a long sit down thought about what I am going to need shortly regarding this thing.

    Paisley Pirate, Feb 8, 2010
  4. Paisley Pirate


    Nov 2, 2009
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    xp is best :) i install it again back,win 7 is nice but takes too much RAM,thanks
    nnnswordfish, Mar 26, 2010
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