Aspire one big internet problems!

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by epiphone66, Nov 13, 2008.

  1. epiphone66


    Nov 13, 2008
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    Warning to potential customers!

    I bought the basic acer aspire one linpus lite version around 2 weeks ago at a Dixons store in the UK. Since then I have had nothing but problems with this machines networking problems I have tried it in numerous locations including starbucks my university and various friends home networks all with no success I can only get the internet to work on my own network at home and one spot at my campus everywhere else it will not connect.

    It seems looking at this forum that quite alot of customers are facing the same problems and without a degree in computer programing a solution is beyond most normal users. Acers website said to go to dixons who own the warranty but it seems unlikely they will be able to fix a fault which seems integral to most machines. I have tried desparetly to love this laptop it looks fantastic has a great screen and brilliant keyboard it is also priced really well, but without internet it is effectively useless. So please I urge you if you are thinking of buying this laptop this xmas for yourself or your loved ones please do not inflict this shoddy ill designed piece of junk on them until acer get their act together address these serious issues and remember its customer service and satisfaction that makes or breaks a company !


    p.s I will be returning this laptop to Dixons and will update this message if the problems are resolved
    epiphone66, Nov 13, 2008
  2. epiphone66


    Aug 25, 2008
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    Whereas from day 1 I've had it connected to dozens of locations with no problems - at home it will see half a dozen networks and connect to three of them (mine using WPA and two careless neighbours; it's also been connected to wireless in MacDonalds, a library, two pubs with WEP encryption, and my in-laws' network, just to quote several very different network locations and types).

    What troubleshooting steps have you taken?

    Is the issue signal level related (in which case you might have a faulty card): if it will only connect to the campus network via one access point then that sounds possible - connection details on a campus network would usually be the same regardless of access point. My One picks up a wifi signal from my ordinary domestic router two floors up and on the other side of the house - they aren't usually prone to difficulty finding signal. If the card is faulty, then a return for replacement is the right course of action.

    Well, I haven't a degree in computer programming, and I'm sure most of the people who are using it quite happily on the internet haven't either. There was one guy with some Microsoft qualification who couldn't manage it, but that's the only qualification I've even seen mentioned.

    If you can get yourself down off the ceiling long enough to describe what problems you are having, I'm sure someone will be able to help.
    daldred, Nov 13, 2008
  3. epiphone66


    Nov 13, 2008
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    Glad to hear yours is ok David

    I get full signal strength on all available networks but when i try and connect it just goes on for ages then eventually says network disconnected. Alot of people have written about this problem on the forum and from what I have read most people seem to be waiting for an elusive update which Acer or linpus are yet to release. I have tried using an update given on the forum but the terminal wont except what im typing saying command not found. The reason why im a little frustrated is 1. I paid good money to have a laptop which works out of the box and without having to program anything myself. 2. If it is the case that customers have to wait for an update then its unfair for them to have to wait for indeterminate amount of time whilst they earn interest of my cash

    Thats how I see it anyways!

    Thanks Chris
    epiphone66, Nov 13, 2008
  4. epiphone66


    Aug 25, 2008
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    Could you point me to the forum post where you found that update? Command not found is usually fairly easily solved if I know what the command is meant to be; the command line is extremely powerful but it's vulnerable to even one character - perhaps even just a dot or a space - being incorrect.

    I don't think you're being expected to program anything - perhaps to update a program or something, but then that's pretty normal stuff for computers.

    If you're not used to Linux, please remember that it's essentially not a commercial enterprise - most of it is community-written and community supported. If you choose (albeit for a price advantage enabling a manufacturer to sell more) to use a Linux based product then you're choosing a different software model.

    I think Acer have got their use of Linux on the One pretty badly wrong in places - they've tried to lock down the interface so that it's half-crippled, then left gaping holes in the usual Linux security models, and they've seriously hampered community support by hacking the system around until seasoned Linux users struggle to find out what they've done to it!

    But they do provide the option of getting frustrated with Windows instead, albeit for a higher cost.... :)
    daldred, Nov 13, 2008
  5. epiphone66


    Aug 25, 2008
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    A sudden thought: something which shouldn't be a problem, but...

    What's the output of
    sudo iwlist ath0 channel
    done in a terminal?

    If it lists channels up to 13, it's not the issue; I'm wondering if some machines are only providing the 11 channels available in the USA, and can't connect with some non-US routers using channels 12 and 13.
    daldred, Nov 13, 2008
  6. epiphone66


    Nov 13, 2008
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    Hi David thanks for the reply

    Yes its coming up with 13 channels which sounds normal, the fix i was trying to use can be found here

    Any help on using the solution given devlin would be great!

    Thanks alot

    epiphone66, Nov 13, 2008
  7. epiphone66


    Aug 25, 2008
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    Those instructions are for making a VON connection, not for wifi in general, so wouldn't solve the non-connecting wifi issue; but if the VPN is what you want, let's find where you're having a 'command not found' thrown at you! I'm putting Devlin's commands into code windows below so that you can copy & paste them easily if you want to (CTRL-SHIFT-V pastes in the terminal)

    The first command line given by Devlin is to start tghe mousepad editor with the vpnc configuration file:
    sudo mousepad /etc/vpnc/default.conf
    I've just tried that command and it worked on mine; if you get past that and edit the file as instructed, then do this next:

    curl [url][/url] > /home/user/tun_driver.tgz
    cd /
    sudo tar xvzf /home/user/tun_driver.tgz
    sudo depmod -a
    I've modified that a bit: the 'curl' command does the download for you and leaves the file in your home directory; the remaining commands uncompress it into the main filesystem and then sort out the system's module dependencies.

    Are we OK so far?
    daldred, Nov 13, 2008
  8. epiphone66


    Sep 3, 2008
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    Apparently I read that there is a setting which you need to modify in the Control Panel of your netbook. Have a browse through the options and adjust accordingly.

    there was a thread which specifically mentioned wifi problems and its resolution...

    when i find it, i will link you to it...
    ramdiane, Nov 14, 2008
  9. epiphone66


    Sep 3, 2008
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    here.. have a look at this thread. I hope it resolves the problem for you..


    if it doesn't link you correctly, type "wifi problems" in the search box above.
    ramdiane, Nov 14, 2008
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