aspire one mail... EMOTICON HITLER???

Discussion in 'Linux' started by sporksandknives, Sep 15, 2008.

  1. sporksandknives


    Sep 15, 2008
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    HOLY CRAP! Please let me know if you you think I'm crazy or if you see it too.

    I've had my Aspire One for 2 months now, and i just now set up my e-mail through the included e-mail client. I don't know about you but at the very end [2nd last] of the emoticons you can use when you send an email, there is what appears to be an Adolf Hitler emoticon with the signature mustache, a big smile and giving the heil salute! Has anyone else see this yet? I'm including an un-doctored screenshot[attachment=0:737yiqsh]Screenshot.png[/attachment:737yiqsh]
    sporksandknives, Sep 15, 2008
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