atnt lowers internet plans....question?

Discussion in 'Networking' started by aphrony, Jan 24, 2009.

  1. aphrony


    Dec 20, 2008
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    hey guys, i heard about this deal on atnt that starts on the 25th. basically you can get unlimited messaging and data on your plan for 30 dollars, and if you have family plans, its like 10 or 15 extra depending on your specifics.. it doesn't apply to the iphone or blackberry phones...well heres the image and some details

    i saw this on

    basically if i have a regular phone (non iphone, blackberry, or smartphone) and i take out the sim card and put it in my AAO with the 3g mod, would it work? if so that would be awesome, but if not, i guess its just a neat idea i thought may be possible. thanks!
    yay for wishful thinking =)
    aphrony, Jan 24, 2009
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