Audio problem, help please

Discussion in 'Linux' started by andres584, Feb 9, 2010.

  1. andres584


    Apr 7, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Recently did a system recovery on my One, installed the usual stuff on it(vlc, firefox3.6, gimp, thunderbird) Everything looked great, then installed the latest flash player Well not long after that, like an hour, I was on youtube. Played couple of videos and were working fine, then open a new one and no sound. Restarted firefox and nothing. Tried an mp3 file and still no sound. Restarted the computer and everything was fine. Played and avi movie and was still ok. So thought nothing of it. Youtube works but still once in a while I just lose all volume. The video plays, mp3 seems to be playing but no sound and have to restart the system. I think it has something to do with Adobe flash player, because it always happens while in youtube. Anyone else have this problem? Could it be my firefox add ons?(fasterfoxlite, flashblock) Thanks in advance for any help.
    andres584, Feb 9, 2010
  2. andres584


    Apr 7, 2009
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    Well, kinda resolved. Still happening but don't have to restart the whole system. Have to "kill" firefox form system monitor or ctrl+alt+esc, and get audio again. I still don't understand why it happens but glad don't have to restart the whole system because of it. Guess i'm the only one with this problem. :)
    andres584, Feb 11, 2010
  3. andres584


    Sep 1, 2008
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    You say you did a recovery. back to fedora/linpus factory settings? did you do a live update after that or did you restore from a backup using the macles method?
    Darryl, Feb 12, 2010
  4. andres584


    Apr 7, 2009
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    restored from back to linpus from recovery disc that came with it. I did all the the updates, except the comunication suite 180084, which i believe was breaking stuff. After updates, added extra things that i needed. Well i thought that i had figured the fix, but later after i post my second message, all of my media files were acting funny. They would "start" playing but nothing would happen till about 20 secs into it. I would hit the item and it would open VLC and start the timer but nothing would happne for like 20 secs. I got fed up and just did another recovery. got vlc installed seems to be working fine. So i have 2 questions. Should i just go ahead and get firefox 3.6 and update the flash player? And also, maybe should've asked this before, when i open vlc(from vlc icon, not from rigth clicking an mp3 file and selecting vlc) there this on my playlist %U. if i hit it this comes up
    File reading failed:
    VLC could not open the file "%U".
    File reading failed:
    VLC could not open the file "%U".
    Your input can't be opened:
    VLC is unable to open the MRL '%U'. Check the log for details.

    Could this be it? I am tired of restoring this thing. I only use this computer for internet, skype, IM, and some music/video. I dont know what to do if this keeps happening. Before i restored the first time, i had the exact same programs I installed know and that would never happened. The only thing different was firefox3.6 the lastest flash and the %u coming up in my vlc playlist.
    andres584, Feb 12, 2010
  5. andres584


    Sep 1, 2008
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    well to get rid of the %U problem you need to find the vlc desktop file, and if I remember rightly its on the line that starts exec=vlc%U. Just delete the %U part and save the file. You'll have to use mousepad to open it with so open a terminal and enter the top of my head

    mousepad /home/user/share/applications/vlc.desktop
    (the last part may be livna-vlc.desktop, you may need to put "sudo" without quotes at the beginning in order to save changes)

    If the above doesn't open the file you can confirm the path by using your search bar to search for "desktop" this will list all desktop files and just use the above syntax to locate, open and edit it. That sorts one problem out. I'm also pretty sure that you need the later versions of firefox for flash 10 to run properly. Original linpus only comes with Version 2 so follow this guide...
    Hope it helps
    Darryl, Feb 13, 2010
  6. andres584


    Apr 7, 2009
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    Thank you for your help. Everything seems to be working well now. Haven't been able to recreate problem. Still not sure what happened but seems well now. Was able to get rid of the %U error code. I open sudo thunar and looked for it under applications, opened it with mousepad. Thanks again, got me loving my ONE again. :D
    andres584, Feb 13, 2010
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