Backtrack 3 live usb with ubuntu 8.10 airodump issues

Discussion in 'Linux' started by geekyhawkes, Feb 1, 2009.

  1. geekyhawkes


    Oct 22, 2008
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    Hi guys;

    Im a relative linux newbie (bout 8months use) and have been having issues getting backtrack 3 to work. I have been following several guides (from google) and have not once been able to complete a crack of my home wep.

    Ive been trying the following;

    1)airmon-ng stop wifi0
    2)ifconfig wifi0 down
    3)macchanger --mac 00:11:22:33:44:55 wifi0
    4)airmon-ng start wifi0
    5)airodump-ng wifi0

    But nothing happens in airodump. If i try and use airodump-ng ath0 then the channel numbers etc change but i still dont see my wireless network. My wireless has been working fine under ubuntu since the install so Im happy its not my one. Can someone steer me as to how i might be going wrong?

    geekyhawkes, Feb 1, 2009
  2. geekyhawkes


    Sep 3, 2008
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    Don't you have t use ath0 once wifi0 is up ???

    OEM Wireless fron AAO has a 2nd mask called ath0 which you have to use after start up again.
    ipearl, Feb 2, 2009
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