Battery management software?

Discussion in 'Windows' started by withmind, Oct 30, 2008.

  1. withmind


    Oct 30, 2008
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    I have got an AAO a few days ago, and I always use it with AC power, but make it standby while I'm on road. Because standby consumes battery power, whenever I connect it to AC outlet, my AAO starts to charge battery. I think this is harmful to the battery life, so I'm looking for some battery management software, which can set its charge threshold, just like the ThinkPad's battery maintenance function. Any suggestion?

    Thank you!
    withmind, Oct 30, 2008
  2. withmind


    Aug 23, 2008
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    why not just hibernate then? I know standby comes back faster than hibernate but it's not leaps and bounds above?
    goofball, Oct 30, 2008
  3. withmind


    Sep 1, 2008
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    Update kpowersave here:
    add the second part to configure the power button too!
    Once done right click on the battery icon on the bottom bar and configure to your needs. Remember to turn down the low batt warning level or it'll blink at 92% and you'll also be able to suspend to RAM on lid close once you configure the buttons. All in all you'll get much better performance. It added about an extra 30-40 min to my run-time. :D
    Darryl, Oct 30, 2008
  4. withmind


    Sep 4, 2008
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    yeah right tis is > Board index ‹ Acer Aspire One Forums ‹ Software - Windows
    kpower is for linux :evil:
    wimpie, Nov 2, 2008
  5. withmind

    Guest Guest

    I don't think what you are describing is bad for the battery. Or rather, it's no worse than running it on AC with the battery in. But if you really don't want it to charge use hibernate instead of standby. It stores your whole session to the pagefile and when you turn it back on it's exactly as you left it.

    If you want the absolute best conditions for your battery you should be removing it when it's charged and you're on AC power. Leaving it in is just exposing it to heat conditions that are not idea for li-ion batteries.
    Guest, Nov 2, 2008
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