battery's case

Discussion in 'Modding and Customization' started by sir_nano, Mar 21, 2009.

  1. sir_nano


    Mar 20, 2009
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    Hi, I'm new in this forum. I'm spanish and my english is the worst, but I try to explain my problem.

    I have two batteries, one of this is black and the other white. I want know if I would convert the white in black and the black in white.

    I don't know if the case of batteries are interchangeable, I want remove the batteries' case and replace upside down.

    Thank you very much.

    EDIT: Can I paint the case? how? Is it easy?
    sir_nano, Mar 21, 2009
  2. sir_nano


    Feb 25, 2009
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    You can paint it without any problems, and it will be a lot simpler than opening it up and trying to switch around cells.

    Wash the battery casing with strong soap.
    Dry it.
    Sand it down a little.
    Wash with water.
    Dry it again, and make sure it's completely dry before proceeding.
    Prime it with plastic primer (this step can be skipped).
    Apply spray paint, and use a lot of thin layers. Do it five-six times, but really thin.
    Let it dry for a day in a warm place.
    AngryCFModder, Mar 22, 2009
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