BBC iPlayer Desktop

Discussion in 'Linux' started by Rev_Biscuit, Dec 7, 2009.

  1. Rev_Biscuit


    Dec 7, 2009
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    Hi, I've had my netbook for around 3 months now, tried a few OSs and have been very happy and settled with Ubuntu Remix. It's the first time I've ever seen linux nevermind used it so am still feeling my way but so far not too many problems.

    I was hoping someone could clear up a query though?

    iPlayer works fine when I stream it, however I wanted to sample the HD (or is it HQ) version but because of connection being too slow I downloaded using the BBC iPlayer desktop. I installed the software no problems. However, when I played back it's very 'stuttery', unwatchable. I then tried downloading a normal SD programme and this did the same.
    Is the AAO not capable of playback or am I missing something?
    I like the idea of downloading iPlayer stuff for when I'm offline so would be grateful to hear if anyone else has this problem or not and if it's solvable.

    Rev_Biscuit, Dec 7, 2009
  2. Rev_Biscuit


    Dec 13, 2009
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    I am also very new to linux and I'm having exactly the same problem with BBCi player stuttering in UNR 9.04. I have searched this forum and some of the Ubuntu help forums, whilst there are lots of suggestions on tweaks and changes. They either don't work or require a greater understanding of Linux to execute the instructions .

    It would be great if somebody could give some clear guidance on how to fix this problem in very simple steps. I guess the answer may be that it won't work, however I get a sense that the Linux community cannot rest until a problem is solved.

    AA1 8GB SSD 500mb RAM

    Many Thanks

    fatcatbaz, Dec 13, 2009
  3. Rev_Biscuit


    Dec 28, 2008
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    Similar problem here. I can stream iPlayer except the poor broadband bandwidth where I live makes it stall too much so I want to get the download version working. Has anyone actually achieved getting the download iPlayer Desktop to work??

    I'm running an AA1 with standard Linpus Linux. Browser is Firefox 3.5.6 and Shockwave Flash 10.0 R42.

    After I installed Flash 10.0, iPlayer offered me the option to 'download'. It starts to install the iPlayer Desktop beginning with Adobe Air. It asks for my admin login and then falls over with error code 2004.

    My next step would be to install Adobe Air as a a standalone install, but I'm only going to try that unless someone more skilled than myself with Linux has already managed to get it working.

    I've found a couple of guides to installing Adobe Air and I'm guessing the Fedora version is the best way to go, but I could do with a definitive guide.

    David_W, Dec 31, 2009
  4. Rev_Biscuit


    Sep 1, 2008
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    This wont solve your probs but there's a really good command line prog that allows you to download iplayer material and watch it with no time restrictions using vlc..
    The following command will exclude the childrens category so you can fit all the programs into the terminal window
    get_iplayer --exclude-category=child
    Hope its of use
    Darryl, Jan 2, 2010
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