Beginner Questions

Discussion in 'Windows' started by condenser, Sep 15, 2009.

  1. condenser


    Sep 15, 2009
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    I might be getting an Acer One this week from Costco.

    There is this one:

    11.6" ... =en-US&s=1

    and this one:

    10.1" ... =en-US&s=1

    The 11.6" got bad reviews from and the 10.1" got better reviews. What do you recommend?

    This is what I would like to do with mine:

    *browse online (of course)
    *watch videos on it with an external DVD player
    +stream videos online
    *word processing/ power point (can download openoffice for this)
    *read PDF files.
    *hook up an external hard drive to store music/video/photos
    *hook it up to a monitor such as this: ... =en-US&s=1

    *add some ram (I will have 2 gb total) from Crucial
    *run iTunes on it (with the music from the external hard drive)

    Which one would you recommend?

    What upgrades would I need to do? Would I need to get these things? ... etbook-hd/

    I am new to the acer netbooks and do not know much.

    Thank you for your help!
    condenser, Sep 15, 2009
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